HCA 13/71 f.588r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.588r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Adventure noe more till her returne into the the River of Thames, And saith
that the this deponent and the other three London shipps gott into harbour
about the twelfth of July aforesayd and there killed whales
in and neere the harbour And further to this article hee cannot
depose for the reasons aforesayd./

To the 12th hee saith hee hath knowne the arlate Maundrey for
these nyne yeares last past or thereabouts and the arlate Goslaing
for these five yeares last past or thereabouts and knoweth
that they have bin divers voyages at Greeneland as Mates and
harponeeres and are men well skilled in whale fishing
and have behaved them selves like sober and honest men and as hee verily beleeveth and performed
their voyages sufficiently according to their places, and saith one
voyage the sayd Gosling went this deponents Gunner and a
harponeere, and did therein (of this deponents knowledge) behave him
selfe civilly and performe his duties both as harponeere and Gunner
carefully and well, And this deponent soe well knoweth the ability
of the sayd Maundrie that hee hath desyred severall voyages to
shipp him for his mate and harponeere, and would soe have done but
that hee was hyred in other shipps before this deponent could meete
with him to speake to him to that effect, And further saving his
foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./

Upon the rest of the articles hee is not examined
by direction of the producents proctor/

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee cometh to bee a wittnes in this cause
by request of the producent Gosling but without any compulsorie
served upon him, and hath receaved nothing nor is promised or expecteth
anthing for his testimony And to the rest of the Interrogatories hee
answereth negatively/

To the 2 hee saith hee knoweth Gosling Maundry
Batson and Beane fower of the parties litigant but not
Goulderne, and desyreth only that those which have right thereto
may prevaile in this cause And to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee
answereth negatively./

To the 3 hee saith hee was none of the Company of the Owners Ad=
venture nor Greyhound and therefore is not concerned to answer to
this Interrogatorie/

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith hee never heard the Interrogate Goslin
or any other of the Owners Adventure disobey any commands of the
Interrogate damerell nor can more fully or particularly answere
to this Interrogatorie then in his foregoeing deposition is declared/