HCA 13/71 f.585r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.585r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in this deponents Judgment the sayd Maundrie Gosling
humfreys and the rest of the harponeeres and their Crues
by reason the whales motion was soe swifte and the sea soe growne
did doe their true and utmost endeavour to have killed the
sayd whale but were not able to effect the same And further
to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 14th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the arlate
Reynolds the Cooper Thomas Canntrey his mate, Edward Ashmore
[BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Kirton and Mawrice fforde were of this deponents knowledge persons
to bee imployed on land about boyleing and doeing other worke about
whales after they were taken, and hee this deponent verily beleeveth
that none of them have any skill in sayleing or mannageing a shipp
at sea or to know when it is fitt to carry her in or out of a
harbour, And hee saith that since hee this deponent came home from
the voyage in question hee this deponent and one William Swinford
and John Bransby and one Thomas Everton (all Mariners of the
Company of the Owners Adventure) were at the arlate Mr Batsons
howse in Company with him and the arlate Mr
Beane, and after some discourse had passed touching wages which they then demanded the sayd Batson caused his man
George (who was then alsoe present) to reade unto this deponent and the
rest of the sayd shipps company then present a noate ready written
which (as hee sayd) Richard
Parker the Boatswaine had subscribed, conteyning (as the same was
read to this deponent) that the disobedience of the Company of the
Owners Adventure to the Commands of the sayd damerell was
the overthrowe of the voyage in question, or words to that effect,
which noate the sayd Batson did desyre this deponent and the sayd
Swinford Bransby and Everton to subscribe and to stand
to his Custodie what hee would give them, which
noate this deponent and the sayd Swinford Bransby and Everton did
refuse to subscribe, whereupon the sayd Batson caused an other
noate to be written by his sayd man George (but the contents thereof hee
now remembreth not) to which noate this deponent and the sayd
Swinford Bransby and Everton sett their hands and having soe
done the sayd Batson gave this deponent and the sayd Swinford
Bransby and Everton twenty shillings a peece as a free guift
and not as any part of wages, which papers the sayd
Batson as hee beleeveth hath in his custody And further to
this article hee cannot depose

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]