HCA 13/71 f.578v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 578 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/08/30 |
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not nor how many leagues they went to sea ward in that tyme) before the
sayd damerell came from on board the sayd Pybus his shipp againe
And saith hee verily beleeveth and is perswaded in his conscience that
if the sayd damerell had come from on board the sayd Pybus his shipp
to his owne shipp the Owners Adventure and not gone out to sea againe
in Pybus his shipp but made the Owners Adventure fast to the Ice when
shee was soe neere Bell Point hee might in all probability have
gotten into Bell sound hee haveing then in this deponents Judgment
and in the Judgment alsoe of the sayd Gosling Maundrie and others of the
Owners Adventures Company (as this deponent alsoe heard them say after
hee this deponent and others who attended with a boat on the Master came from on board the sayd Pybus his shipp) the
best and fayrest oportunitie of getting to harbour which happened during
the whole voyage And further to this article hee cannot depose/
To the 4th hee saith hee knoweth that after hee this deponent and the others who
attended with a boate upon the sayd damerell had brought him from on board
the sayd Pybus his shipp hee the sayd damerell with his
shipp Owners Adventure and Greyhound (a Pinke belonging alsoe to her and whereof
the sayd damerell had alsoe the Command and ordering) kept Company with the shipps
of the sayd Pybus Welch Goulding and Child divers dayes in the sayd moneth
of June last (but how mant hee remembreth not) and in the sayd moneth (but
what day thereof for that hee kept not a Journall hee remembreth not) all
the sayd shipp sbegan to worke into the Ice togeather and they all worked in
about seaven leagues and the Ice being thick they were divers howers (but
how many hee remembreth not) in soe deoing, and then the Companyes of the sayd
shipps being tyred with workeing and the Ice groweing still thicker all the
sayd shipps by order of their Masters made fast to the Ice, and the Owners
Adventure and Greyhound and Welches and Gouldings shipps all fastned to the
Ice togeather and laye fast one of an other side by side, and soe laye divers
howers (but how many hee remembreth not) In which tyme that they soe
laye board and board one of an other hee and the sayd Goulding and Welch
were togeather but what discourse passed betwixt them hee this deponent
knoweth not saving that after the sayd Masters had bin togeather the sayd damerell asked the sayd Goulding upon the deck
of his the sayd Gouldings shipp whether hee would worke any further in XXXXXXXXX the sayd Goulding [SEE INSERT IN LH MARGIN]
[in presence and hearing of this deponent who stood on board the Owners Adventure
and heard the same) sayd I am too farr in all ready and wish I were safe out
againe at sea, or to that effect, and soone after the] [LH MARGIN AT 90 DEGREES]
the sayd damerell whilst hee was on board the sayd Goldings shipp
called to the Company of the Owners Adventure and bidd them
lett loose the sayd shipp and gett their boates off the Ice and
strive to worke the sayd shipp further in toward shoare or to that effect
And further to this article hee cannot depose saving hee saith the sayd
Pybus Goulding Welch and Child and their Companyes did not endeavour
to worke any further into the Ice towards harbour, but about a day
after this did goe out with their sayd shipps to sea./
To the 5th and sixth articles hee saith that after the sayd damerell
had from on board the sayd Gouldings shipp given Command as aforesayd
to loose the shipp Owners Adventure and gett her boates in a readines to worke
further in to the Ice towards shoare, hee came on board the Owners
Adventure and there againe commanded the Company of her to gett their
boates off of the Ice and make ready to worke the sayd shipp further in
toward shoare whereupon this deponent and divers others of the sayd