HCA 13/71 f.570v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.570v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


about fifteene hogsheads of tobacco more for the accompt of
him the sayd daniell Jeggles and this deponent and others of the sayd
shipps Company, the rest being laden aboard other shipps And
hee saith hee heard severall Inhabitants of Nause[?maqn] Rapahann[?ack]
and Potomack sayd that by reason many shipps came that yeare to
Virginia with goods and that ladeing for such shipps as went to England
upon freight and not in exchange of Commodities was very scarce
severall shipps did then return from Virginia to England some
only a third part and some halfe laden And of this deponents knowledge
the Sea horse (a shipp on which hee was on board in Virginia about
getting some cordage of her to furnish the Anne) did depart thence [?that]
tyme the Anne was there, at least halfe dead freighted,
And further hee cannot depose

To the 13th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee heard the
Planters who laded the 158 hogsheads of tobaccoe sayd that
they conditioned with the sayd daniell Jeggles that the same should
bee transported for Galloway in Ireland and that hee should there stay five dayes
to expect the sayle of them and if they could not bee there sold then
to carry them for England, and after the same were laden aboard
the sayd shipp the sayd Jeggles declaring himselfe to bee
unwilling to in respect of the small quantitie of them to goe
with them to Galloway, the sayd Planters did in the presence and
hearing of this deponent and others of the Annes company tell the
sayd Jeggles that if hee would not carry the sayd tobaccos
for Ireland they would take them ashoare again,
whereupon the sayd Jeggles rather than loose the freight of them
was contented to carry them for Galloway according to the
agreement hee had made with them, And further hee cannot depose/

To the 14th hee saith hee well knoweth that the
sayd daniell Jeggles did not either at Virginia or at any
other tyme or place during the whole voyage in question (soe
farr as this deponent could or did observe) neglect or omitt
any tyme or opportunitie with his sayd shipp to the preiudice of
the articulate James and Edmund Cowse but did his best endeavour
during the wole voyage in question to advance their benefit/
And further hee cannot depose

To the 15th hee saith it is in his this deponents Jugdment about
five hundred and forty leagues at least betweene Virginia and
Barbados and hee is well assured haveing gone severall tymes
thither that it is fifteene hundred leagues or thereabouts betwixt
Barbados and England and saith for the reasons aforesayd hee knoweth
neither Virginia or Barbadoes are places that are able to
supply any shipp with necessaries of rigging, cordage and such
other things as the Anne by meanes of the storme aforesayd