HCA 13/71 f.555r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 555 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2012/12/18 | |
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Edited on 23/05/14 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 23th of ffebruary 1656.
Mathew van Cassell against a certaine shipp}
called the Armes of the dutchesse of}
Courland, John Brand master, and against}
the duke of Courland.}
Exámined upon an allegation given in on
the behalfe of the said van Cassell
the 16th instant.
Rp. 1.
Hance willem Nidreck of Mestat in denmarke
Merchant, aged 27 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
and exámined.
To the first second third and fourth árticles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knoweth the arlate John Brands and the shipp the Armes of the
Dutchesse of Courland (of which the said Brands was and is master) and that
hee was all the time arlate master of her and had the charge and government
of her committed unto him by her owners, and that hee went and exercised that
plan and command in her, and for such was and is commonly accounted. And
which hee knoweth because hee went the voyage arlate in her from Curland
to the Island of Tobaga, where shee arived in May 1654, and there this
deponent staying, the shipp went on for the Barbadas to get provisions and thense retourned
and came againe to Tobaga (where this deponent was) on or about the
Last of August of the same yeere old stile. And saith that when shee
soe as aforesaid went from Tobaga for Barbadás, shee was in greate want
of Provisions of beefe, porke, bread and others, and for that cause went
purposely for the Barbadás to get supplie thereof, the said Island of
Tobaga not yeelding supplie thereof; And further that at her
upon the said shipps said retourne from the Barbadás shee came very well
provided and furnished of and with the said provisions, soe that shee had a
a good quantitie whereof hee saith, which was taken into the Magazin at Tobaga,
(of which this deponent had the keeping,) towards the supplie of
and relief of people thither brought from Courland in the said shipp the
said voyage, and there put ashore in greate want thereof, and the same were
soe taken ashore into the Magazin against the will of the said Brands the master
by the power and force of the Governour towards the said peoples supplie;
And saith the said Brands upon such his retourne to the Iland
of Tobaga, declared to the Governour in this deponents presen{se}
that those commodities which the Governour had given along with him
towards providing and buying provisions, were not little merchantable and
would not goe off at the Barbadas, and that therefore hee was [?for sure] to
get and had got supplie of mr Matthias van Cassell there dwelling
in goods to the valew of three hundred and fiftie
or three hundred and sixtie Gilders or thereabouts, and had therewith
furnished for his shipp and companie, with out which supplie, this deponent
saith the said shipp could not have performed her voyage, being in greate
neede thereof. The premisses touching the said shipps proceeding from
Courland and arrivall at Tobaga, and retourne thither from the Barbadas
hee well knoweth because hee went from Courland in her and arived at Tobaga
in her and sawe such her defect of provisions upon her goeing to Barbadás and
her supplie upon her retourne. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the fifth hee and 6 hee cannot answer depose.
To the 7th hee referreth him selfe to the Register, and cannot otherwise depose.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
Hans [?Willem NiddrÿXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]