HCA 13/71 f.550v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.550v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


hands of the said Baillelhache, which hee
knoweth because hee this deponent was present at mr ffernandez
his house where the said Baillehach delivered the said letter with
the said bill inclosed unto him, and saith then the said mr ffernandez
receiving and opening the said letter, delivered the same presently
with the bill this deponents hand (as hee often doth in like
case) for him this deponent to reade over the
same unto him, and this deponent accordingly then and there
presently read over the said letter unto him, and acquainted him
with the effect of the said bill, and saith the said letter
as hee beleeveth is written and subscribed by the said Miranda,
and the said bill subscribed by the said danielson, and the contents
of them to be true and reall, referring himselfe to his foregoing
deposition, and otherwise cannot depose, not being in the voyage.

To the 16th article hee saith that in about the month of July
1656 last past the said shipp safely arrived with the said fiftie three
pipes of wine and six hundred seventie and seven hides
for the said mr ffernandez, his account in this port, and with
other goods, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent
about a day or two after such arivall went aboard here in
the River of Thames, and alsoe made entrie of the said
fiftie three pipes of wine, and six hundred seventie and seven
hides in the custome house as the goods of the said mr ffernandez
and really paid the custome of and for the same, and all this
hee saith hee did before any seizure was made of the said
lading by mr webb or any other person whatsoever, and
otherwise hee deposeth not.

Upon the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent.

To the interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first and the papers and letters interrate (now showed unto him)
hee saith hee
knoweth nothing thereof otherwise then as
aforesaid, nor knoweth by whose order, by whom or wherefore
they or any of them were written or by whom sent And otherwise
saving his foregoing deposition hee cannot depose.

To the second hee saith hee is a Hebrew or Jew by profession
of Religion, and maketh conscience of the oath taken in this
cause, so that hee should commit a heinous sinne to speake
ought untruely therein, and that he is bound to speake the
truth without respect of persons, and then there is noe
dispensation from his oath, nor doth hee looke upon the English
that were not of the Roman faith as heretikes nor may hee
depose an untruth against them for advantage of a Hebrew.

To the 3 hee saith hee knoweth all the three persons interrogated
who hee saith are commonly accounted Spaniards and subiects of
the king of Spaine, and otherwise hee cannot depost

To the 4th hee saith the said ship was here wholly freighted
by the