HCA 13/71 f.546r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.546r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Teneriff, the said Juan Lopez de Miranda the foresaid factor then having
sold, bartered and dispossed thereof, and did there lade and cause to be
laden aboard the said shipp before Oratavo and for account aforesaid
fiftie three pipes (or thereabouts) of wine marked as at the margin
and six hundred seventie seven hides or thereabouts, to be thence
transported in her to this port and here to be delivered to the said mr
ffernandez or his deputies or agents for the account
of him the said Antonio ffernandez Caravajell, for what he saith they
were laden, all which hee knoweth being present and seeing and
assisting in the lading of the said goods, and taking note thereof, being
the said servant of the said Miranda, factor of the said ffernandez. And
otherwise he cannot depose.

To the tenth and eleventh article and bill of lading annexed (nowe showed
unto him) hee saith and deposeth that hee beleeveth the contents of the
said bill of lading to be true, for the reasons aforesaid, but hee did not
see the signing thereof, and therefore cannnot depose thereto otherwise
then as aforesaid.

To the twelth and thirteenth articles, and bill annexed dated 4 June
1656, he saith and deposeth that after the lading of the said wines and
hides aboard the said shipp before Oratavo for this port and account
aforesaid by the said Miranda, hee the said John Lopez de Miranda, having
received some hurt, so that he could not (as hee declared hee intended)
retourne therewith himself, but this deponent came in the same shipp
therewith to give an account thereof to the said ffernandez, and gave
this deponent ˹and˺ (directed to the said ffernandez) to be delivered by this
deponent to him, and this deponent accordingly delivered the same
to him the said ffernandez upon the said shipps arivall in the downes,
and verily beleeveth the said bill annexed, to be that same bill
for by this deponent brought and delivered, hee taking speciall notice
of the long dash in the endorsement (as nowe therein appeares) and
saith hee very assuredly beleeveth the said bill and endorsement to be the
hand writing of the said Miranda with which this examinate is
well acquainted having often seen him write, and seen much
of his writing.

To the 14th hee saith that the said fiftie three pipes of wine, and
six hundred seventie seven hides, were really and truly bought
provided and laded aboard the said shipp for the said ffernandez his
account, and were the proceede of the said linnens and other goods
hence exported in the said shipp as aforesaid the said voyage
for the said ffernandez his account, which he knoweth for the
reasons aforesaid, and further hee this deponent sawe the buying and
providing thereby his said master with the said mr ffernandez said
effect, and sawe the lading the said wines and hides going aboard
with them to see their lading, and that the said mr ffernandez
bore the adventure thereof, without any other having any share or
interest therein and otherwise hee cannot depose, being as aforesaid

To the 17th article hee saith that after the thisser and arivall of the
said shipp with the said wines and hides in this port, and
while she lay therewith at anchor in the river of Thames neere this citie