HCA 13/71 f.522r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.522r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the said shipp was by the meanes aforesaid of bilging and sinking broken
and two or three of her planckes were broken and her keele carried away
yeelding a reason of his knowledge for that hee sawe the premisses.

To the seaventh hee saith that there were three or foure carpenters
imployed about repairing and mending of the said shipp for seaven or
eight dayes space or thereabout, at fiftie five [?solls] since paid at losse and others
at sixtie [?solls] per day for a man and night (as the tide fell out) amounting to 5 s 6 d
or 6 s sterling or thereabouts a man and [?some] lesse which hee knoweth seeing them soe imployed
and money paid them after that rate. And saith that hee being a pilot
well knoweth the valew of soe much worke and materialls, and
saith it was worth nine hundred livers and more and soe much to his remembrance
it cost, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the eighth hee saith that by reason of the said disaster, many of
the said shipps company threatened to leave her, whereby the said
Eleazor le Marchaut was forced to come to a new composition
or agreement with them, and to give them a monethes wages more
than their first agreement or thereabouts, which hee knoweth for
the reasons aforesaid./

To the nineth hee saith that the said Eleazor le Marchaut went
to a Notarie in [?Narm[?o]ntier] to make cause attestation of of the premisses
to be made, and the said Notary drew the same up accordingly,
but when hee tooke notice therein concerned Monsieur La [Gastiere]
[?Garzeau] to whom the said shipp was consigned, hee refused to
deliver it to the said le Marchaut, saying hee durst not deliver
it for feare of the said Monsieur La[?gatiere]; which hee knoweth
being present. /

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

4 [MARKE] The marke of Jaques [?durant] [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

William Brower borne in hulstenland in Germany
Mariner nowe master and late Masters Mate of the
shipp the ffortune of Garnesey, aged 27 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knoweth the shipp
the ffortune of Garnesey interrogated, and hath soe donne for these
five monethes last or thereabouts, and saith that on or about
the nyneth day (old stile) of the moneth of November last past
the said shipp set saile and departed from the River of Nantes
to goe for [?Narmentiers] on the coast of ffrance, there to take in
her full lading, and thence to goe for London, which hee knoweth
going the said voyage masters mate of her.

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said
shipp in her course for [?Narmentier], came to an anchor in the Roade
of [?Narmentier] about a Cannon shot from the shore, and [?in] a place
where shipps use to anchor and ride before they goe nearer the shore.
which hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid.
