HCA 13/71 f.519r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.519r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The seaventh of ffebruary 1656.

On the behalfe of George Burrard}
of Plimouth Merchant touching}
a losse in the Industrie.}

Rp. X XXX. .1.us

Robert Weyman of Plimouth Merchant, aged 29
yeares or thereabouts sworne before the right
worshippfull John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of
the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie
and exámined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred
on the behalfe of the said Burrard saith as followeth.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knew the goods shipp the
Industrie of Plimouth interrate whereof William Evans was master
at that time of her last being at Bordeaux in the Realme of ffrance,
from whense hee saith shee departed in or about the end of November last
bound for Plimouth, which hee knoweth being masters mate of her
and then on board her.

To the second third and fourth Interrogatories hee saith hee well
knoweth George Burrard of Plimouth Merchant, and saith the
said Burrard was whole or part freighter of the said shipp the said
voyage, and sent his factor one mr Smith from Plimouth to Saint Ives in
Cornewall to see there to her lading with fish for Bordeaux; And
saith there were the said voyage while the said shipp was at Bordeaux
laden aboard her by a factor there (whose name hee remembreth not)
fourteene tunns or thereabouts of wine, two tunns and a halfe or three
tonnes or therabouts of brandewine and about seaven tunnes of prunes,
all to be transported in the said shipp to Plimouth and thense to be
delivered, and saith that in as much as mr Burrard was freighter
and soe sent his factor to see to the said shipps outwards lading, this
deponent conceiveth the said homewards lading taken in at Bordeaux
to be belonging to him or a good part thereof, but this examinate
cannot speake positively of his interest therein, not seeing or signing the
bills of lading, nor knowing further thereof than as aforesaid.
And saith the said shipp soe as aforesaid departing from Bordeaux
and prosecuting her voyage with the said goods for Plimouth,
comming within tenn leagues or thereabouts of Plimouth, was on
or about the sixth of december last met with set upon and
forcibly seized by an Ostend man of warr, and carried with the said
wines, brandewine and prunes to Ostend whether shee came
on the tenth of the same moneth, and soe all the said merchandize
were and are utterly lost to the said mr Burrard or to whomsoever the
same were belonging, and the said shipp was alsoe lost by the said
seizure, all which hee knoweth, being masters mate of the said
shipp the Industrie and aboard her at the time of the said seizure
And saith the said shipp of warr of Ostend was by her
company called the Josas-Maria, and commanded by Claus
[?Grittuou], as Captaine of her.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Robert Wayman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]