HCA 13/71 f.517r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.517r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day.

Examined upon the foresaid allegation


Marke Crosse of ffowlstowe in Kent Sailer, aged 23 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article hee saith the Reserve frigot under the command
of Captaine Robert Plumleigh in the immediate service of this
Commonwealth was imployed for the guard of the Narrow seas
and against the Enemies of this Nation, and that in the moneth of
November last coasting betweene the downes and Beachie,
her Captaine and company espied a vessell, whereunto (supposing
her to be belonging to some of the enemies of this Commonwealth)
they gave chase, but before they could come up with her, they
espied in Rie Roade (into which Roade shee was fledd and run
ashore) certaine baggs floating upon the sea, which they with
their boate saved out of the sea, and found them filled with
combed English wooll prepared for the making of stockings,
to the number of seaventeene packs or baggs, all which
were waterborne, and derelict, noebody looking after them.
Which hee knoweth being Coxen of the said frigot and seeing
the premisses soe happen, and helping to take up the said

To the second hee referreth himselfe to the lawes and statutes
arlate. And otherwise cannot depose.

Repeated with this precontest before doctor Godolphin



The sixth of ffebruary 1656

Gold against dobbins}.
Smith. Suckley}


Examined upon the allegation given in on the
behalfe of the said Gold and others there
tenth of December 1655.

Richard Bere of London Merchant, aged 63 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and
deposeth that for eight or tenn yeares (or thereabouts) last past)
and during the time that English shipps have gonne from
Lisbone to Brazile manned with English, and have bin let by
Charterpartie, there hath from time to time a certaine average
bin allowed, and commonly expressed in Charter partie for or
by way of average over and besides the freight expressed in
Charterpartie, which said average hath bin completely paid and
allowed by such men or merchants as have from time to time
received the goods carried in such shipps, as belonging or due to the owners