HCA 13/71 f.508v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 508 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: P1140186.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2012/11/25 | |
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Edited on 04/08/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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oportunitie of sending them thence in any other shipp offereing [?XXX GUTTER]
selfe, to cause them to bee racked the heate of the weather and [?XXX GUTTER]
longe lyeing there forceing him thereunto, by meanes whereof and
by reason that their long stay caused much leakage in them and
caused the sayd wines to decay in their goodnesse the sayd Cowse and Watson senior in [?XXX] wynes
suffered much dammage thereby, as alsoe in losse of markett [?price GUTTER]
at London by not being brought from Palma in tyme according
as the sayd Keene was obliged to doe, and saith the sayd Cowse
in this deponents Judgment suffered losse and dammage
for his Account, the summe of about eight pounds ten shillings [?cleere GUTTER]
in every pipe thereof, accounting in all (besides the losse predeposed of
susteyned in the outward ladeing landed at Saint Lucar to the summe of
sixe hundred and eighty pounds sterling or thereabouts, and the sayd
Watson senior in this deponents Judgment did suffer the like dammage
of eight pounds tenn shillings per pipe in every of the sayd forty
pipes provided to bee laden aboard her for his the sayd Watsons
Account all which dammage as well to the sayd Cowse and the sayd
Watson happened by the default of the sayd Keene in proceeding
to Palma with his sayd shipp as hee ought to have done And
further to this article hee cannot depose/
To the rest of the articles of this allegation hee is not examined
by direction of the producent./
The sayd Elias Watson to the allegation given
on behalfe of the sayd Cowse the 4th of Ma[?rch GUTTER]
1656/ [RH SIDE]
To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee having
bin a ffactor severall yeares as aforesayd at Santa Cruse in the
Island of Palma one of the Canarie Islands hee knoweth that Lo[?ckerams GUTTER]
and any other french linnens are at that Island and other the Canarie
Islands prohibited Commodities and therefore yet with all well
knoweth that lockerams and all other ffrench linnens notwithstanding
sayd prohibition are usually and frequently landed and sold
by merchants whoe trade thither and knoweth that such merchants
who have such commodities to sell there doe frequently
by giveing some gratuities to the officers of the King of Spaine
procure a connivance of the sayd officers for the landing and [?sale GUTTER]
of such goods there, And this hee knoweth to be frequent [?amongst GUTTER]
Merchants and factors there resident to procure such connivances for gratuities and this deponent hath [?XXX GUTTER]
for a gratuitie procured connivance of the sayd officers for the
landeing and sale of the like prohibited commodities videlicet of
lockerams and all other ffrench linnens And further to this article hee
cannot depose./
To the 4th article hee saith hee this deponent received letters of
advi[?ce GUTTER]