HCA 13/71 f.500Av Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.500r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the sayd damerell still continueing his Command to worke
still further in towards shoare the sayd Maundrie then speakeing
to the sayd damerell sayd, this or the like in effect, whether will
you goe over a mayne land of Ice, the divell take mee if I
lay a hand to worke in further unlesse there were more
possibility And the sayd damerell thereupon sayd if you will
not worke in further then make fast the shipp to the Ice, which
the Company readily performed and after the said shipp
Owners Adventure and the Greyhound had layne there
fast to the Ice about foureteene or sixteene howers the other
fower London shipps (whose company the Owners Adventure and
Greyhound had lost) beginning to worke out of the Ice towards
Sea, some of the Company of the Owners Adventure
who were upon the watch told the sayd damerell that the sayd
other fower shipps were working out to Sea And the sayd damerell
thereupon commanded the Company of the Owners Adventure
to turne their shipp and worke out alsoe, which they did, And
further hee cannot depose saveing hee saith hee knoweth that
the sayd shipps Owners Adventure and Greyhound returned home
onely with as much bloober as made (when it was boyled
at Blackwall) eighteene tonns and upwards of oyle and the finns
of two whales./

To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that during
such tyme as the Owners Adventure and Greyhound were at Sea
after their comming out of the Ice as aforesayd on Richard
Parker a harponeere and boat swaine of the Owners Adventure
did fasten an Iron to a whale and the arlate humfreys fastened
alsoe an other Iron to her and Gosling and Maundrie and
other harponeeres made fast their boates to the sayd Parker
and humfrey to helpe to tyre the whale with toweing, and after
they had soe bin towed by her about twelve howers the
sayd humfrey cut loose his warpe and hee and the sayd Gosling
and Maundry and their boates Crews and the other harpo=
neeres and their Crewes (all but the sayd Parker and his Crew)
came aboard the Owners Adventure and left the sayd
Parker fast to the whale and gave over the chase And the
sayd damerell askeing them why they came away being the
sayd Parker continued fast to her they answered that
shee towed soe swiftly that they were not able to gett neere
her to fasten any more Irons in her nor to launce her by reason shee
towed soe feircely and the sea was soe rough,