HCA 13/71 f.494v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.494v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Adventure and called the Boatswaine and Commanded him to
call up the shipps Companye and gett ready their boates to
worke the shipps Owners Adventure and Greyhound further into the
Ice toward the shoare, and the Boatswaine telling him that the Company
was at dinner, the sayd Damerell sayd, then lett them
prepare their boates soe soone as dinner is done, and dinner being
done the master againe renewed his command and Commanded
the sayd shipps Company to make ready their boates to worke the
sayd shipp further towards shoare, and this deponent did and the sayd
Gosling and the rest of the sayd shipps Company might
very well heare such his command, And the sayd Goslling there upon
came up upon deck and asked the sayd Damerell what hee meant
to doe, whereto the sayd Damerell answered and sayd to worke the
shipp further in toward shoare what thinke yow were came hether for
thereupon the sayd Gosling said answered and sayd wee will goe noe further
then the rest of the shipps in Company (meaning the sayd Golding Pybus
Welch and Child their shipps) doe goe, and thereupon the sayd Damerell
sayd if they will staye here and endeavour to goe noe further what is
that to us, wee will goe further and endeavour to gett harbour, and therefore
I command you (speaking to the sayd Gosling) and alsoe to the rest of the
Company of the said shipp Owners Adventure to loose the shipps and
make ready the boates and worke further in and lett mee see who dares disobey my Command or words to that effect whereto the sayd Gosling
replyed and sayd wee will goe noe further than the other shipps goe
and I will not the sayd Damerell being displeased with the sayd
Gosling for such his denyall to obey his command did call the sayd
Gosling pimpeing roague, and told him he was a pimpeing roague
to disobey his Command, and that he should answere it, and
hee would make him knowe that he the sayd Damerell was his
Commander, whereto the sayd Gosling replyed and sayd that the
sayd Damerell was a pimpeing roague and might goe a pimpeing
and begg his bread when he came home if hee did not make a voyage
and that hee scorned to bee Commended by such a foole and
pimpeing roague as he (meaning the sayd Damerell) was, and
these or the like words passed betwixt the sayd Gosling and
Damerell upon the open deck of the Owners Adventure in the presence
and hearing of this deponent and his precentests Edmond Reynolds, Thomas
Chauntrell and Edward Ashmore, and alsoe Richard Parker.
Boatswaine and divers others of the Company of the Owners Ad=
venture and also in presence of divers of the Companyes of the Greyhound
and the sayd Golding Welch and Childs shipps who lyeing all board and
board could not choose but heare and see the passages betwixt the sayd
Gosling and Damerell, which notwithstanding the sayd Damerell
continueing his command to have the sayd shipps Owners Adventure and Greyhound wrought further
toward shoare ˹this deponent˺ and divers of their Company of both shipps did make
ready their boates, and did worke the said shipps Owners Adventure
and Greyhound about sixe or seaven myles further toward shoare
than the other fower shipps were, and the sayd Gosling seeing the rest of
the Company did yield obedience and helpe to worke further in did