HCA 13/71 f.493r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.493r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th hee saith that after the sayd damerell with his shipps the Owners
Adventure and Greyhound came into Company with the sayd Pybus Welch
Golding and Child they kept company together till such tyme as
they all sixe put into the Ice togeather as aforesayd which was in the moneth
of June last but about what day of the moneth hee remembreth not, and
said that in about sixteene howers space the sayd shipps all wrought in
about 7 or 8 leagues, and there made fast as aforesayd and lay fast
about twenty howers, and that in that tyme the sayd damerell did goe on board
the sayd Goldings shipp, and this deponent standing upon the hatches of the Owners
Adventure (which lay board and board of Goldings shipp) heard him speake
to the sayd Golding (and Welch (who was alsoe aboard the sayd Goldings Shipp) and
aske them whether they would endeaour to worke any further into the Ice
toward shoare, whereto the sayd Golding answered and sayd noe, they thought
it not fitting soe to do or words to that effect, And further to this Interrogatorie
hee cannot answer saving his foregoeing deposition and saving he saith that the said Pybus Golding Welch
and Child did worke out with their shippps to Sea againe./

To the 6th 7th and 8th Interrogatories hee saith saving his foregoeing
deposition and saving that after the sayd shipps Owners Adventure and
Greyhound had wrought about a league further into the Ice toward the shoare then
the other fower shipps did, they were there made fast to the Ice by the
Command of the sayd Damerell, hee cannot answere./

To the 9th hee saith the Interrogate Pybus Golding Welch and Child
are accompted able seamen and men well experienced in the Greeneland
ffishing and have gone as Masters severall voyages to Greeneland and
this deponent went one voyage to Greeneland the very next yeare before the voyage
in question with the sayd Golding And further hee cannot answere./

To the 10th hee saith that hee well knoweth that the said damerell
did not by such his working his two shipps Owners Adventure and
Greyhound further into the Ice the other fower shipps loose
the company of the other fower shipps, for that hee knoweth
that after they were all sixe got out of the Ice (Pybus his shipp having
receaved dammage by Ice and a hole struck in her bowe by the Ice
in her putting out from the Ice to sea and being thereby soe hurt that shee was
ready to sinke) the Company of the Owners Adventure and
Greyhound and of the sayd Welch Child and Goldings shipps did
helpe to cleere her of water receaved and stopp her leake, And after
they had soe stopped her leake they all kept Company togeather till
through foggie and stormie weather, they were parted, after which the sayd
damerell having lost their Company did severall tymes after
perswade the Company of the Owners Adventure and his mates to
endeavour to worke into the Ice toward shoare but his sayd mates
allwaies declared themselves to be unwilling and sayd that it was