HCA 13/71 f.489v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.489v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 12th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Registry of this
Court and further cannot depose

To the 13th hee saith the arlate Gosling Maundrie and humphreys are
subjects of this Commonwealth, and subject to the Jurisdiction of this Court
as hee beleveeth And further hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that the sayd Gosling and Maundrie
did by their words predeposed and carriage, much disharten and discourage the
Companye of the Owners Adventure from endeavouring to make [XXX GUTTER]
saying that it was inpossible to get into harbour that yeare and that
they would bee hanged if any shipp got into harbour in Greeneland that yeare
and other the like words as is declared in his foregoeing deposition and [?were GUTTER]
allwaies unwilling to worke in toward harbour as the master desyned [?them GUTTER]
by which meanes as hee verily beleeveth and is persuaded in his conscience
the voyage in question was overthrowne And further to
this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere./

To the 2 hee saith hee cometh to testifie in this cause being soe required by Mr Batson
who well knew that this deponent went the voyage in question and therefore [?would GUTTER]
not being ignorant of such transactions as passed on board the sayd shipp
Owners Aventure or were done by any of her Company, and saith hee [?did GUTTER]
not subscribe any noate to the sayd Batson touching what hee could depose
this cause, nore knoweth of any such noate, or where it is, and saith hee hath
noe part of his wages for the voyage in question but expected to [?receave the GUTTER]
same from the sayd Batson and the rest of the Imployers, and is not promised
nor expecteth and reward for his testimony And further cannot answere./

To the 3 hee saith that hee knowth about the beginning of June 1656 the Owners
Adventure and Greyhound were about five or sixe leagues (in this deponents Judgement)
of Bell Point, and the sayd Point as he remembreth hath did then beare North [?east GUTTER]
thereabouts, and in this deponents Judgement there was then a great probablity [?of GUTTER]
getting into Bell sound, but what was the cause it was not then attempted [?hee GUTTER]
knoweth not and saith that while he sayd shipps Owners Adventure and Greyhound [?were GUTTER]
there, (there then lyeing also the shipps of which the sayd Pybus Welch Child and [Golderne GUTTER]
were Masters) the sayd damerell went on board he sayd Pybus his shipp
while he was on board, her, the sayd Pybus his shipp (with the sayd damerell in [?her GUTTER]
sett sayle frome Bell Pointwards towards Sea, And the Owners Adventure and Greyhound
seeing the sayd damarell continue aboard the sayd Pybus his shipp sayled after her
some certaine Leagues toward Seawards, (but how many hee knoweth not) before the [?sayd GUTTER]
damerell came from on board the sayd Piybus his shipp: And saith to the best of
this deponents remembrance the Owners Adventure never came soe neere, at [?least GUTTER]
neerer to shoare or harbour during the whole voyage then shee was when the [?sayd GUTTER]
damarell soe went aboard the sayd Pybus his shipp, And what was the cause [?the GUTTER]
sayd damarell then made not to harbour hee knoweth not And further cannot depose/

To the 4th hee cannot answere knowing nothing nor having heard anything touching
matter interrogate saw what hee hath declared in his foregoeing deposition to the 4th [XX GUTTER]
5th articles of this libell

To the 5th Interrogatorie hee saith saving his foregoing deposition to the 4th and 5th [?articles GUTTER]
of the [?libell] to which hee referreth hee cannot answere./