HCA 13/71 f.476r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.476r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sayd hee could not tell what they were best to doe, they might
doe what they would, or words to that effect whereupon the sayd
humfrey and Parker seeing noe hopes to kill the sayd whale and that
their boates were almost halfe full of water did (the sayd humfrey
first and the sayd Parker soone after) cutt their warpes and lett her
goe And saith that hee well knoweth being one of the sayd Maundryes
Company of his shallopp that hee the sayd Maundrie and the sayd Gosling and all the rest
that pursued the sayd whale did their true endeavor to kill her but
for the reasons aforesayd could not, and did not disobey the sayd
Damerells command touching the sayd whale/

To the 14th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the arlate
Reynolds Chauntrie Ashmore Kirton and ffoard are land men and
have noe skill in the sea affayres to knowe when it is fitt to carry a shipp in
or out of harbour in such a voyage as Greenland is, which required a
great deale of judgement and experience and that their busines was only
to boyle and manage the ordering of the whales after they were kiled and
cut up and brought on shoare to them, And hee alsoe saith that the sayd
Batson and Beane did in the sayd Batsons house in London (since the voyage
in question ended) tender unto this deponent a writing importing an
acknowledgement that the sayd voyage was overthrowne by the Mates
and Mariners of the Owners Adventure disobeying the Commands of the sayd damerell, which this
and told this deponent that if hee would subscribe the same they would
bee more civill to him than any of the rest of the sayd shipps company,
expecting (as they sayd) that hee as well as Parker the Boatswaine (whose
name this deponent then sawe subscribed thereto) would rather ayde them the
sayd Batson and Beane therein (meaning in putting the default of the
losse of the sayd voyage upon the sayd mates and mariners) then otherwise:
whereto this deponent well knowing that the contents of the sayd writing
were utterly false replyed and sayd, hee know the contents thereof to bee
utterly false and that the sayd Batson and Beane had shipped him for that
voyage as deemeing him an honest man, and rather than hee would
to testifie a thing which hee know to bee false (as that was) hee would take
a knife and cutt his own throate or words to that effect, but in whose
hands and possession the sayd paper now remayned hee saith hee knoweth not
And hee further saith that the arlate Maurice ffoard did once tell this
deponent in the presence of his Contest John Colvile and at a second
tyme in presence of this deponent and one Elizabeth Leverett
and alsoe the producents Gosling and Maundrey sayd that the sayd Batson did
tell him the sayd ffoard that if hee would sett his hand unto a noate that hee
the sayd Batson would write or cause to bee written and appeare
in Court and testifie the same writing upon oath, hee the sayd Batson would
give him the sayd ffoard his wages, And the sayd ffoard afterwards
(as by his speech appeared to this deponent) having appeared in Court
to testifie on behalfe of the sayd Batson, sayd in presence of this deponent
and the sayd Colvile that hee would have seene the sayd Batson
hanged before hee would have come into Court to have sworne on his
behalfe if the sayd Batson had not promised him his wages (meaning his
wages for the voyage in question) And hee saith that the sayd Parker the