HCA 13/71 f.468v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 468 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 15/10/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1140104.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/15 | |
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Edited on 31/08/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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soe to doe then than at any tyme after during the whole voyage, which oportunitie the
sayd Damerell neglected and lost, and went presently
after such his comming soe neere Bell Point, on board the shipp of which the
arlate John Pybus was Master, which shipp soone after the sayd damerell
was on board her sett sayle from the Portwards to sea and the sayd damerell
in her, and sayled about tenn leagues to Sea wards before the sayd damerell
came from on board her, and the Company of the Owners Adventure seeing
their sayd Master continue aboard the sayd Pybus his shipp were did follow
the sayd Pybus his shipp the sayd tenn leagues to seawards the premisses hee deposeth of his owne sight and knowledge And
further to this article hee cannot depose./
To the 4th article of the sayd allegation hee saith, that after the sayd
damerell came from on board the sayd Pybus his shipp, hee kept Company at sea
with his sayd shipp Owners Adventure and the Greyhound a Pinke alsoe belonging to her
with the sayd Pybus his shipp and three other London shipps of which the arlate Welch
Golding and Child were Masters till about the fifteenth day of the moneth of June
aforesayd, on which day all the sayd shipps began to worke into the Ice togeather and
worked in togeather about seaven or eight leagues, and the ice then proveing soe
thick and that they could not then worke farther in, all the sayd shipps made fast to the
Ice the Owners Adventure the Greyhound and the arlate Welch and Goldings
shipps were all fastned togeather, and soe laye about sixteene howers, during
which tyme the sayd Pybus and Childs shipps by reason of the
thicknesse of the Ice not workeing in soe farr as the other shipps did, laye still
about a myles distance from them, and that upon the seaventeenth day
of the sayd Moneth the sayd damerell went on board the shipps of the sayd
Golding and Welch (they and the Owners Adventure and Greyhound then lyeing to
the Northward of Bell Point aforesayd) And further to the sayd article hee cannot
depose (not hearing nor knowing what discourse passed betwixt the sayd damerell
Goulding and Welch) saving hee saith hee well knoweth and observed that the sayd Pybus Golding
Welch and Child did not endeavour to worke any further into the Ice but goe worke out with their shipps to sea againe upon the first oportunity which was about
the eighteenth or nynteenth day of June aforesayd./
To the 5th 6th 7th and 8th articles hee saith that upon the sayd seventeenth day of June the sayd damerell coming from on board the sayd Goldings shipp to his owne shipp
the Owners Adventure, gave command to his sayd shipps Company to
loose the sayd shipp and to endeavour to worke her further into the Ice, and
this deponent and the sayd Gosling and
others of the sayd shipps Company being belowe deck, and hearing
above the Master call above, came up, and being come, the sayd damerell
in presence and hearing of this deponent and the rest of the sayd shipps Company
commanded to loose the sayd shipp and worke her further into the Ice, [?whereto GUTTER]
the arlate Gosling speakeing to the sayd damerell in a civill and peaceable manner
sayd this or to the like effect, whether doe you intende to goe, whereto the sayd
damerelll in an angrie manner replyed and sayd to the sayd Gosling that or