HCA 13/71 f.460r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.460r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


some leagues past the Port of Porto Port and thereupon beate up and
downe at Sea to gaine the same the space of about two dayes
having then fayre weather for the first of the sayd dayes
and after hee had soe beaten up and downe upon the Coast
hee fired severall gunnes with intente thereby to gett some Pylott to
come on board to pylott him into the sayd Port
and none comeing the sayd Jeggles
did openly in the presence of this deponent and others of the sayd shipps
Company saye and acknowledge that hee knew not there the barr of the sayd Port
did lye and that therefore hee would not adventure to goe in without a Pylott and
and afterwards fowle weather comming the
sayd Jeggles with the sayd shipp was forced into Lisbone which is (as
hee hath heard sea men saye) about fifty leagues distant from Porto Port)
and being come to Lisbone
hee saith the sayd Joggles did twice put out from thence to Sea and with
the helpe of a Pylott hee there gott endevour to make Porto Port but was driven in againe to Lisbone by fowle
weather, soe that
after hee after hee had gotten the sayd Pylott
it was about three moneths and better before the sayd shipp did attaine
the sayd Port of Porto Port, And hee alsoe saith the sayd Jeggles did to
this deponent acknowledge that hee had never bin at Porto Port but once
before his arrivall there the voyage in question And further to this article
hee cannot depose hee not being a Sea man nor experienced in Sea affaires/

To the third hee cannot depose./

To the 4th hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee knoweth there
was some wines delivered at Mevis arlate as the sayd shipp passed from Barbados to New England but what quantitie hee
knoweth not, nor to whome the wines there delivered belonged./

To the 5th hee saith that hee goeing Chirurgion as aforesayd knoweth that
after the returne of the sayd shipp from New England to Barbados
the arlate Jeggles was by one Edward Cowse ordered to goe thence with the
sayd shipp to Virginia, and to carry in her thither divers goods as eight
pipes of wine, a bale of paper, twenty peeces of Pantadas or painted
stuffes, two chests of fine earthen ware, and a parcell of Course earthen
Ware, and a parcell of salt but to whome consigned hee knoweth not, but
saith the sayd Joggles did carrie them and had order there to sell them and did of this deponents
knowledge being present at the sale of them there sell three of the sayd eight pipes of wine to the arlate Gabriell Ojar,
and did of this deponents knowledge receave of the sayd Ojar in liew of the
sayd three pipes fowerteene or fifteene hundred pounds of Tobaccoe for
every pipe thereof, and did sell to severall persons a good part
of the sayd two chests of fyne earthen ware and divers of the peeces
of Pantathas but to whome hee knoweth not saving hee saith heen sold some salt and Earthen Ware to one
Mrs Ewell but for how much hee knoweth not And further to this
article hee cannot depose./

To the 6th hee saith that the sayd Edmond Cowse did
tell this deponent that hee had given an order by letter to the arlate
daniell Jeggles to the effect arlate and desyred this deponent to
be assistant to the sayd Jeggles in the performance thereof, and this deponent
hath seene a letter to the effect of the schedule arlate in the hands or custody
of the sayd Jeggles And further to this article hee cannot depose /

To the 7th hee saith the sayd shipp stayed at Virginia after her arrivall there
end of line