HCA 13/71 f.446r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.446r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


having brought the sayd Busse in that tattered condition which
shee then was in did aske this deponents advice and Counsell being
a shipp wright whether shee would bee worth the repayring or noe
and this deponent telling him that shee would yeild little if shee were
broke up and that hee were better to bestowe moneys upon putting
her into repayre and soe lett her out or make other profitt off her
then to breake her up, whereupon the sayd heyden being perswaded
by this deponents reasons did resolve to repayre her and
imployed this deponent to doe the Carpenters worke about the same, which
this deponent did And saith that in the repayreing of her this deponent
did very well observe as alsoe did others whome this deponent
imployed to worke upon her that shee was very insufficient and soe
farr as this deponent and others could perceive had not at any tyme had any
English worke done about her as to repayres either in tymber or planke
now soe farr as appeared by her had had any cost bestowed upon her
in tarr pitch or other materialls for divers yeares before such her
being then repayred which would have appeared of any such repayers
or cost in tymber planke pitch tarr and other materialls had had bin bestowed on her and incorporated
into her soe smale a tyme before as in the yeares one thousand sixe
hundred fifty three And further to these articles hee cannot depose/

Repeated with his Contest before doctor



The last day of January 1656

Matson against Nayler}


Examined upon the Libell on behalfe of the sayd Elizabeth

John M[?u]tlow of Wapping Wall Shipwright aged 36 yeares or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet

To the first second third fowerth fifth and sixeth articles of the sayd libell
hee saith that hee well know the lighter called the Ellen and Anne before
the dammage in question happened to her and saith shee was a stronge and staunch lighter before shee receaved the sayd hurt and saith Elizabeth Matson was
before the sayd dammage happened and is Commonly accompted the lawfull
Owner and Proprietor of the sayd lighter And that after the dammage in
question happened (which happened as hee hath heard by reason that a hoye or ship whereof
one Nayler as hee hath heard was Owner did runne fowle of the sayd
lighter) the sayd Elizabeth Matson as Owner of the sayd lighter did order this
deponent being a shipwright to mend and repaire the sayd lighter of the dammage
receaved and paid this deponent for the doeing thereof as being Owner of her,
and saith this deponent receaved of the sayd Mrs Matson fower pounds at least for
the worke hee did about repayreing the sayd lighter of the dammage receaved
as aforesayd, and saith the sayd Mrs Matson was alsoe at other charges
for nayles and other materialls which were used about the sayd repayres beside
what shee payed this deponent, but the summe thereof hee doth not now remember
And saith that the sayd dammage being repaired yet hee well knoweth that
the sayd lighter was lesse worth to bee sould (though throughly repayred) then
shee was before shee receaved the sayd dammage, this hee the better
knoweth for that hee know her before the sayd dammage happened and was
imployed as aforesayd to repayre her but how much lesse worth hee
cannot estimate And further to these articles hee cannot depose./

To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent

To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]
