HCA 13/71 f.439r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.439r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


saith that they and company (whereof hee taketh Albraham Stock of Dover to
be one) were the time arlate and are owners and proprietors of the shipp
the Sea=ffortune arlate and of her tackle and furniture and for such commonly
accounted, which hee knoweth for that hee was acquainted with their buying
of her, and afterwards sailed in her.

To the second, third and fourth árticles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that in or about the beginning of ffebruary last past hee this deponent
being at Middleborowe and there spoken to by the said ffopp wessell
(who lately before was come from the Canarie Islands to London with
the said shipp in the imployment of the said Mr Antonio ffernandez Carravashell
and was to retourne thither againe in the said servise as hee told this deponent.)
and by him the said fop this deponent was asked if hee would goe with him to London and
thense to the Canaries in the said shipp and service, to which this deponent
condescended, and came over with him hither to this citie in the said
moneth and went with him to the said Mr ffernandez his house, who
was very glad of this deponents comming, and soe much the rather because
this deponent spake Spanish, whereby hee might further his matters at
the Canaries, and acknowledged that hee had freighted the said shipp of
the said ffopp wessell for the said voyage to the Canaries to carry goods
thither hense, and being back such goods thense as his factor should there
lade, and saith hee this exáminate hath seene a schedule in writing which
was said to be the Charter partie made for the said voyage, but being
(this is his remembrance) in English, this deponent could not read it nor
knoweth the contents thereof. And further hee deposeth that after such
this deponents comming, there were of this deponents sight in this port laded in the name of the
said ffernandez foure and twenty thousand pipestaves, and some hoopes,
in or about the moneth of March last, wherewith the said shipp
by the said Mr ffernandez his order set saile from this port, and in or about the
moneth of Aprill last safely arrived therewith at the Canaries, and there the said ffopp
wessells made delivery of the said goods soe exported to don Christopher
da Alvara da Baramonte to whom they were consigned by the said ffernandez,
and saith that while the said goods were in delivery, the said ffopp and this
deponent severall times spake to the said Antonio don Christofer to
make ready and prepare his goods for their relading, that they might make
what speed back to London they could or to that effect, and hee answered them
that when they had delivered their outwards lading brought from England,
they should see what hee would doe or to
the same effect, and this hee saith was and is publique and notorious,
all which hee knoweth being present and seeing and hearing the
premisses soe donne and spoken.

To the fifth and 6th article (sic) hee saith that after the said ffopp wessells had
bin and staid with his said shipp at Oratavo in the Canaries neere a
moneths space namely till about the fourteenth of May last, the said don
Christofer da Alvara plainly confessed and told the said ffopp and this
deponent and others that there were noe wines or other goods to be
gotten wherewith to relade the said shipp the Seaffortune, and therefore
willed them speedily to be gonne with her, and this hee did although