HCA 13/71 f.436v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.436v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


for that hee had sailed in her soe long as aforesaid, and for that about
a fortnight since hee went there aboard her with his two precontests
and viewed her and knewe her to be the same by many signes, and
particularly by the two letters M.W. which (for his name) hee had
before the seizure cutt upon here mainemast and pump, and that the
sawe there plainly upon the said view. And otherwise hee cannot depose


To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee lost his clothes, 7 li in money and two barrels
of fish by the said seizure, in all to the valew of 20 li, and otherwise

To the 2 hee saith the said shipp was soe seized off [?Bufham Mosse] on
the coast of Scotland, and hee hath not spoken of the seizure to be piraticall
(the said [?Mervit] being said to have the king of Spaines Commission) but leaveth
the signification of the word to the exposition of the law, and saith this
deponent was kept 16 dayes aboard the frigot after their said shipp
was sent away, which was sent away on the day of the seizure. and
otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the third hee saith the the said shipp hath the same sailes and
anchors shee had at the time of her seizure to his best remembrance
saving one of her anchors is changed or another added
and severall ropes and cords shee hath, which are in place of
better than were in her before, and many are wanting that were in
her at that time of the seizure. And otherwise hee cannot answer,
saving as aforesaid.

To the 4th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, and cannot
otherwise answer, saving the said Captaine of the man of warr
used them very well, and this deponent conceiveth him to be an
honest man, (saving his then imployment) and one that would speake
the truth.

To the 5th hee conceiveth English goods gotten by Spaniards into their
dominions to be good prize unto them, by meanes of the present warr
betweene England and Spaine. And otherwise hee cannot answer, saving
negatively for his part to the [?matter] of examination.

To the last hee hath not soe deposed.

The marke of
[MARKE (A CROSS)] Mathew Willum.


The foresaid John Rolsun [CENTRE HEADING]
to the Interrogatories.

To the first hee saith hee lost by the said seizure in clothes, materiells, and
goods to the valew of 130 li besides his imployment and two servants wages
And otherwise negatively saving as aforesaid.

To the second hee saith the said shipp was soe seized off [?Bufham Nesse GUTTER]
on the coast of Scotland, and hee beleeveth the said [?Mervit] had a letter of
Marque from the king of Spaine or his authoritie, and hee conceiveth
it to be a piraticall seizure, which is donne without a Commission.

To the third hee saith that the said shipp hath nowe a peece of cable
which shee had not at the time of the seizure, but it is a place of
a good whole one which shee had before, and a new small anchor shee
hath (which shee had not then) worth about 30 s. And some ropes and
tacke shee hath, (which shee had not then) but are in place of better that
shee had of her owne then, and are nowe gonne, whith one of her [?maine] sailes and
some other rigging alsoe gonne. And saith that the said shipp at the time of her