HCA 13/71 f.431v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.431v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


say that hee did speake to the sayd Kennett to lend the Maryes
Company his shipps boate, and to looke after the Mary and that
hee offered the sayd Kennetts Company five pounds to goe with
the sayd boate, and helpe to preserve the Mary which as the sayd
Sumerland told this deponent, the sayd Kennet and his Company refused
to doe, And hee this deponent well knoweth that the sayd Kennett
and Company did not lend their boate nor any way assist the Master
and Company of the Mary fo to recover and save the sayd shipp And
further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 8th hee saith that hee this deponent and his precontest Thomas
Somerland and one Complin were upon the upon the watch in the Mary [?about the GUTTER]
tyme when the dammage predeposed of happened and thereby knoweth that the
sayd Kennett and Company did not call out unto the Company of
the Mary till they were soe neere her with their shipp the Saint Jacob
that the dammage aforesayd could not by the Master and company
of the Mary bee any way prevented though all possible diligence
was used by this deponent and the sayd Sumerland and Complin to
have prevented the same, And this deponent saith the dammage
aforesayd happened meerely by the negligence of the sayd
Kennett and Company and by their not giving tymely notice of their
being neere, and by their steereing southwards as aforesayd And
further hee cannot depose/

To the 9th hee saith that at the tyme when the dammage aforesayd
happened there was on board the Mary a stock of money which
as hee hath heard, was sixteene pounds sterling, and saith that the tackle
apparrell and furniture aboard the Mary at the tyme aforesayd was in
this deponents Judgment worth fourescore pounds and better of
like money, and that the hull of the sayd shipp at the same tyme
was worth above a hundred pounds of like money And saith [?that GUTTER]
by occasion of the sayd shipp the Saint Jacob her running fowle of the
Mary as aforesayd the sayd stock of money (all save about three
pounds thereof) and all the tackle apparrell and furni=
ture of the sayd shipp and her provisions (except two Anchors [?and GUTTER]
a Cable which were found in the hull of the Mary after shee was
driven ashoare, and except the sayd hull, (which though found was also very much
damnified) were all lost and perished And further to this article
hee cannot depose./

To the 10th hee saith hee beleeveth that the arlate Gifford and Company
for want of the severall summes predeposed of in [?this GUTTER]
deponents deposition to the next precedent article are damnified over [?and above GUTTER]
the sayd summes to the value of thirty pounds sterling as hee beleeveth
and further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 11th hee cannot depose

To the 12th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Registry of