HCA 13/71 f.399v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.399v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and for their best advantage this hee deposeth of his owne sight and
knowledge being shipped at the Barbados as one of the sayd shipps company
for the voyage aforesayd and goeing in her the sayd voyage and helpeing to take
in her sayd ladeing there and well knowing that the sayd Nayler horne
and Company were commonly reputed the lawfull owners and
Proprietors of the sayd shipps ladeing as aforesayd And further hee
cannot depose/

To the 3 hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the articles of peace in
this article mentioned which hee beleeveth to be true and further cannot depose

To the 4th and 5th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that the sayd shipp
the Justice of Dover being in the moneth of January 1655 English style
lyeing at Cape Sarillon in Guinney a place of free trade for shipps
of this Commonwealth the arlate Monsieur de La Rose Commander
of the arlate shipp the dutchesse and three other ffrench shipps of warr
and their Companyes subiects of the ffrench King did contrary to the
peace formerly made betwixt England and ffrance in a hostile manner
sett upon and seize the sayd shipp the Justice of Dover and all her ladeing
of Copper barrs and other Merchandizes soe laden aboard her for
accompt of the sayd Nayler horne and Company and did take the
same and all the tackle apparrell furniture rigging provisions
gunnes ammunition masts and sayles of the sayd shipp and convert
and dispose of them to their owne use and according to their will and
pleasure and turned the sayd John ffishbell this deponents precontest
the master of the sayd shipp and this deponent and the rest of the sayd shipps
Company on shoare amongst the Negroes there and having soe [?rifled GUTTER]
the sayd shipp sett the same on fyre and burned it notwithstanding
the sayd Master did upon their first seizure thereof tell the sayd
de La Rosse that there was a peace concluded betwixt England and
ffrance and that therefore hee ought not to make seizure of the
shipp and goods to which the sayd de La Rosse replyed that hee heard
soe much before his comming from ffrance but sayd hee cared not
for that or words to that effect the premisses hee deposeth being
one of the sayd shipps Company and an eye and eare wittnesse thereof
the premisses being doe done in presence of this deponent and the whole
Company of the Justice and other shipps and their companyes then and
there present And further hee cannot depose

To the 6th hee saith the shipp Justice at such her seizure was a
new built shipp, in this deponents Judgment about two or three
yeare old, and was of this deponents sight and knowledge newly
sheathed and rigged and this deponent verily beleeveth in his conscience
for that hee knoweth shee was double provided of sayles and very well
fitted with all manner of rigging and cordage and cables and fower Anchors and furniture [?with GUTTER]
sixe gunnes and good store of ammunition powder shott musketts [XXXX GUTTER]
and provisions of victualls of all sorts that such her sayles rigging
cordage cables Anchors gunnes and other ammunition and provisions and tackle
and furniture were well worth one thousand two hundred and odd
pounds sterling at least And further to this article hee cannot depose
not knowing the value of her cargoe of goods soe seized but verily
beleeveth and is perswaded in his conscience that they were worth of a very considerable