HCA 13/71 f.396r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.396r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


shewne unto him at this his examination is the same originall Charterparty
which hee sawe the sayd William Watson soe signe seale and deliver and well
knoweth the words Jeffrey Campian subscribed at the bottome thereof to
bee his this deponents owne hand writeing, And saith the contents of the
sayd schedule or Charterparty were and are true and soe had and done as in the same
is conteyned And further hee cannot depose/

To the rest of the articles of the sayd libell hee is not examined by
direction of the producent

Jeffery Campion [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 23th of October 1656.

[?Xrivell] and Company Imployers of the}
[Endeavour] William Saddleton Commander.}
against the shipp the Hope (John Legall Master)}

Rp. pr omni bus


John Legall of fflushing in Zealand
Mariner master of the shipp the
Hope aforesaid, aged 39 yeares or
thereabouts, sworne and exámined.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee is a native of Conquet
in Britany in the Realme of ffrance, and that hee hath lived at
fflushing aforesaid for theise five yeeres last or thereabouts, and
there dwelleth at present, and saith hee is master of the said
shipp the Hope and hath soe bin for this voyage only, and came first
aboard her at flushing about the fifteenth of this present
month newe stile, being there constituted master of her by her owners
monsieur Clarke and company of fflushing, to come and bring her to
London And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second hee saith hee knew not the said shipp before such his
coming to be master of her, nor knoweth hee when or where shee was
built, but beleeveth shee was built at fflushing; and saith shee
belongeth to the port of fflushing, and that hee doth not knowe
any other of her owners but the said monsieur Clarke, who dwelleth
as hee saith as fflushing, where this deponent hath knowne
him dwelling about two yeares last, but howe hee came to bee
owner or of whom hee had his proprietie, or what hee paid for the
same this exáminate knoweth not, and saith hee doth not knowe
the interrogate William Colen or Phillip da Pape, and is well assured
(as hee affirmeth and deposeth) that they have not nor either of them
have any interest in the said shipp the hope, nor is the said shipp as
hee saith lately come from Ostend or dunkirk that this deponent
knoweth of; And saith shee was nowe bound for London, and was
here arrived, and that her hopps and osiers were here to be delivered to marchants
here dwelling, but their names hee remembreth not, hee having assistance
therein from one Cornelius a Broker, and saith the said
goods were laden by the said Clarke at fflushing, from which
port the said shipp cameth directly to this port of London, and hath
not put into any other since her coming thence. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.
