HCA 13/71 f.393v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.393v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the said mr Boone and company aboard the shipp the fflying hart
a parcell of linnens, bayes, serges, fustians and other goods to the valew
of two thousand pounds sterling and upwards to be transported to Cadiz
in Spaine, and there to be delivered for the use and account of the
said Mr Boone and company, which hee knoweth having seene the
bills of lading, letters and Invoices touching the said lading. And further
saith that the said mr Boone and company were and are commonly
accounted and reputed owners of the said vessell, and of her tackle and

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that after and upon the arivall of
the said shipp at Cadiz in or about March last hee this deponent sawe
all the said goods there unladed and sawe and found that the greatest
part of them were very much damnified by sea-wett; and this
deponent demanding howe the said same happened, hee was told
and answered by the said master that such dammage by sea-wett came
and happened by stormes which the said shipp had met withall in
her course of proceeding from London to Cadiz. And saith the
said dammage in this deponents estimation, amounted to the valew
of three hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts, And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Moses Bathurst [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 23th of September 1656.

Thomas Culling, Jonathan Andrewes}
and Gifford Bale against Samuel Mico.}
Budd. Suckley.}

Exámined upon the allegation given in on
the behalfe of the said Culling
and others.

Rp. 2.us.

vide 1:us in L 10: A:6::

Thomas Symonds of Wapping in the County
of Middlesex Mariner, aged 26 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and exáámined.

To the first and second árticles of the said allegation hee saith that
the arlate John hasilgrase was commander of the shipp the Amity
arlate within the time arlate, which hee knoweth being one of the
company. And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving that Alderman
Mico was commonly reputed Merchant and freighter of the said shipp

To the third hee cannot depose.

To the fourth and fifth and 6th árticles hee saith and deposeth that the said [?shipp GUTTER]
the Amitie about seaven yeeres since namely in or about the
moneth of September 1649 arived at ffalmouth, and was [?there XXXX GUTTER]
said to be in the imployment of Mr Mico of this citie, and there
tooke in her lading of Pilchards, and under the conduct of the
said hasilgrave departed and sailed therewith to Majorca, and
there safely arived in or about November next following, and
after such her arrivall there, part of her said lading namely
an hundred hogsheads of her pilchards or thereabouts were there dischardged
and delivered out, which being donne the said [?haselgrave] sailed his
said shipp to Naples, and arived there shortly before Christmas
namely on or about the nineth or tenth of december 1649, and
there dischardged all the rest of her lading of Pilchards, which were
aboard her at the time of her arival there. which hee knoweth because [?he was GUTTER]
of her company, And otherwise hee cannot depose.