HCA 13/71 f.390v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.390v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


on board the sayd shipp Providence, and desyred alsoe this deponent
that shee would doe him the favour to take care that the same were
shipped on board the sayd shipp And this deponent well knoweth
(for that shee delivered the noates which the sayd Johnson lefte with
her (expressing the markes and Numbers of the sayd hogsheads) to the Seamen of the Providence or other sea men imployed to fetch
the sayd tobaccoes on board the sayd shipp and declareing at what places they should call
for and receave the sayd severall hogsheads of Tobaccoe) that the sayd
Tobaccoes were shipped aboard the sayd shipp, but the number of
the hogsheads and their markes for that shee parted with the severall
noates to the sea men who fetched them, and had not any generall noate
conteyning all their markes and numbers togeather
left with her by the sayd Johnson) shee doth not now remember, but
as aforesayd verily beleeveth there were at the least fower and thirty hogsheads
of them And shee well knoweth that the sayd tobaccoes were by this
deponents sayd husband david Sellick in his life tyme
laden on board the sayd shipp the Providence for Accompte of the sayd
George Johnson and saith shee allsoe knoweth that before the bills of lading
for the sayd hogsheads of Tobaccoe laden for the sayd Johnsons
Accompte were signed the sayd david Sellick departed this life And
shee saith that after her sayd husbands decease the allegate George
Swanley refused to signe bills of ladeing for the sayd tobaccoes
as for Accompt of the sayd Johnson but only as receaving all the
goods aboard the sayd shipp from the sayd Sellick upon the agreement in
Charterparty and this deponent being made acquainted with such
his refusall and knowing that the sayd George Johnson had a parcell
of Tobaccoe on board the sayd shipp for his owne Accompt upon a
particular agreement distinct from her sayd husbands goods did to
prevent differenses which might happen upon the shipps arrivall
at London send her servant to the sayd shipp to desyre that the letters
of the allegate George Johnson on board the shipp might bee opened
to looke for his sayd Johnsons bill of parcells that soe the sayd
Johnsons tobaccoes might bee knowne from the rest of the tobaccoes
on board the sayd shipp laden by this deponents sayd husband, and
this deponents servant brought her word back that the sayd
Johnsons letters being opened a bill of parcells was found for
the tobacco laden for his Accompt
And further shee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatorie./ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the Interrogatorie shee saith shee did not see the hogsheads of
tobaccoe in question laden but knoweth they were laden by her then
husband david Sellick and heard her sayd husband saye and
acknowledge that they were laden aboard her for Accompt of the
sayd George Johnson and for his the sayd Johnsons use, and saith shee
beleeveth that all sawe the sayd Johnson were to pay eight pounds
a tonne for freight for their goods which came hense in the sayd shipp that
voyage And further saving her foregoeing deposition shee cannot
answere otherwise than negatively

Susanna Sellick Alias [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]