HCA 13/71 f.361r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.361r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first second third and fourth hee referreth himselfe to his
foregpeing deposition where hee hath fully satisfied the same, And
further cannot answer.

To the last negatively.

The mark of
John 2 Browne [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid Interrogatories.

Rp. 2.

Alexander Steptow of Lambeth in the County of Surrey
Waterman, aged 23 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and
examined as aforesaid.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knew and was
one of the common men of the shipp the Starr interrogated (david
Booth Master) when shee was in her last trading voyage within
the Streights; And saith that on the first of June 1655 shee was
at Algier and was in safetie and welbeing, and was thence bound
for Ligorne, which hee knoweth being then on board her.

To the second hee saith hee well knew the interrogated Robert
Browne, English Merchant resideing at Algier, and saith the said
shipp going from Algier to the Ile of Mat neere
Allicant there laded a cargo of fiftie tonnes of s[?alt] and
upwards and carried the same to Algier, and there finished the
discharge thereof on or about the third of June 1655, and delivered
the same to the said Browne and his order, for whose account
the same was laden by a merchant at the said Ile of Mat
or Alla mat, and consigned to the said Browne, and saith the
said Robert Browne was the said first of June 1655 commonly
accompted part owner of the said shipp, tackle and furniture, which
were accounted to be wholly belonging to him and Thomas Browne
his brother, The premisses hee deposeth being one of the said
shipps company the said time.

To the third hee saith that the said shipp in or about the moneth
of July 1655, with a parcell of sugar and tobaccoes and a
chest of drugs, (all taken in at Algier) departed thence for ligorne
and there delivered the same, and there tooke in 26 baggs of ginger
and about 3500 dollars and went thence to S[?XXX]na therewith, and there
laded Buffalo hides, [?medicaments], [?fackitas], wax, grogeram yarne
silke, cotton yarne and allum to be carried to ligorne.
for which port the said shipp departed on or about the 28th
of October 1655, and in prosecution of that voyage was by
stresse of weather put into Malta, and afterwards departing
thence for Ligorne, was in her course chased by a Turkish
pirate, and forced under command of a castle in Sicilia, and then the
pirate standing off to sea, and the Castle shooting to from her
ashore, the said master and company, not daring to goe ashore because
of the warrs betweene England and Spaine, cut their cables and leaving
their anchor, departed for ligorne, hoping they were ridd of the