HCA 13/71 f.359r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.359r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 4th hee saith fower servants shipped for Accompt of the
arlate Cooper did at Gravesend make an escape out of the shipp the
Edward and John, which servants were never taken charge of by any of the
shipps company that this deponent ever heard of, they being persons that
had bin released out of Bridewell, and noe order given to restraine them
of their liberty in the shipp that ever this deponent heard of, And hee
saith the Captaine being absent when they escaped was made acquainted
therewith when hee came on board, and the shipps company
telling him that they doubted least hee should make them pay for the
sayd servants escape, the sayd Captaine Tolty openly before his
Mates huggere and Turpin and this deponent and divers others
of the shipps company and some of their wives then alsoe on board,
did promise that the shipps company should not bee troubled or
questioned touching their escape, for hee would satisfie their
Master with other passengers in the shipp who had noe Master,
and spake to this deponent and desyred him to lett him have one of his
this deponents servants then on board to make to helpe to make up
their number, And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 5th hee saith hee well knoweth that two of the Cables
belonging to the sayd shipp were at her being at the Barbadoes soe
rotten, that though both of them were fasened to one Anchor the
better to make them hold, yet upon weighing up of the Anchor
they both brake, and while they were in breakeing one of the shipps
Company adventured very deep into the water to have saved the
Anchor but could not, This hee knoweth being one that helped to weigh
the sayd Anchor, and knoweth all possible dilligence was used by
the sayd shipps company to preserve the same but the same was
lost meerely by the rottennesse of the sayd Cables, And further
hee cannot depose./

To the 6th hee saith hee knoweth that the sayd shipp the Edward and
John with her homeward ladeing being come to Greenwich articulate,
and a lighter lying ready by her side to bee laden with goods
from on board her, the sayd Totty Commanded the Company to
lade her with goods, and they in obedience to his Command did lade
divers goods into her, and at length romageing among the goods
on shipp board, found some Caskes of sugar which had receaved
dammage by wett by reason whereof a great part of it was consumed
whereupon the Mates came and told the sayd Tottie thereof and in
behalfe of them selves and the shippes company desyred that before
any more ladeing were delivered from on board the shipp shee
and her ladeing might bee surveyed by the Trinity Masters or whome the Trinity
Masters should appointe that it might bee knowne by what meanes
the dammage came, and who was to beare it, or to that effect whereto