HCA 13/71 f.356v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.356v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


certayne knowledge depose for that hee went not with them, but hath heard
his Contest Thomas Lindsey and this deponents Mate Edward Cooke, two of
those (who as they sayd were imployed to carrie them) saye that they carried
them to a hovell or stable with a rack and manger neere the Indian bridge
in the Barbados which (as they sayd) was the place where all the rest of
the horses whose owners were not ready on shoare to receave then was
lost, and noe body being there (as they sayd to receave them) they
were all five tyed there and there left And further hee cannot depose/

To the 3 hee saith hee well knoweth that the arlate Viber in the
outward bound voyage of the sayd shipp was Boatswaine of the sayd
shipp by appointment of the sayd Tottie and looks upon him the charge
of such goods as were delivered on board her untill such tyme as the
shipp lying in the downes the sayd Viber and his mate Abraham
[?deveren] having as afterward appeared imbezelled divers goods
from on board the sayd shipp did lease the shipps boate from her sterne in
the night tyme and with their goods imbezelled rann away with the sayd
boate, but were discovered by this deponents contest John Watson, who
seeing then running away with the boate, gave notice to the rest of
the company and thereupon persuite was made after them by divers
of the shipps Company in the shipps long boate, and they being
taken some of the Company brought them back in the skiffe they
endeavored to runne away with, and left others to bringe back
the long boate And after the sayd Viber and his Mate were brought
on board and and the long boate returned, the Company of the long boate
shewed some taffaty hoods and scarfes which they had found, some
floating on the water, and others which they found scattered in the skiffe
Viber and his mate were taken in, and the same being shewed on
shipp board and Mr Browning a passenger that had goods on board
owned the sayd hoods and scarfes to bee his goods and the sayd Vibers
Cabin being searched the boxe out of which the same and divers other
goods were imbezelled was found broken open and in the sayd
Vibers Cabbin, with all which the sayd Captaine Totty was made
acquainted but hee the sayd Captaine Totty only caused the sayd
Viber and his mate to bee brought and tyed to the Capsterne as a punish-
ment for such his offence, but released him soone after, and discharged
him of his boatswaines place, and put an other therein, but kept the
sayd Viber and his Mate aboard and made Viber a quater Master
which office hee continued till the shipp arrived at the Barbados
and for a good while after, where hee the sayd Totty suffered the sayd
Viber to goe away without prosecuting the lawe against him for his
sayd imbezelments, and without any satisfaction made for them that this
deponent knoweth of as hath heard And further hee cannot depose/

To the 4th hee saith that there were fower servants shipped aboard the
sayd shipp and consigned to one Cooper in this arltice mentioned which
servants while the shipps remayned at Gravesend outwards bound (this
deponent and the boatswaine Viber being on shoare there with the shipps skiffe
and the long boate being gone to London upon busines
for the shipp) made an escape in a strange boat which brought some Company