HCA 13/71 f.339v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 339 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 13/11/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130842.JPG | |
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Jill Wilcox | |
First transcribed | |
2012/11/13 | |
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Gutter checked on 07/12/2012 |
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to springe leakes whereby their ladeing is often dammified, which
dammages if they proceede only by reason thereof and by any leake beneath
and not from above are there frequently accompted only casualties which
by reason of the sayd ports being drye every tyde of ebb will and and doe often happen
unavoidably and therefore are borne usually by the owners of the sayd goods
as a thing casuall, and are not in such case imputed to the masters or companie
of the sayd shipps as their faulte, And hee saith hee well knoweth that
the sayd shipp the Abrahams offering after shee had taken in almost all
her ladeing, the tyde goeing out and shee being left on grounds with her ladeing
on board seas with the weit weight thereof seas washed the shipp sprange
leake under water almost by her keele, whereat shee leake in neere upon a foote water
which did dammage to some of her ladeing, but the same being presently
discovered the shipps company pumped her drye againe and having romaged
to see what goods were dammified soo well as with conveniently they could, they did
put out a smale quantitie of goods and leave them at fflushing which was all
they could at present perceive to bee damaged but and then the winde being
fayre and their leake mended and their convoy ready to sett sayle they in company
of the fflortune and other shipps bound thence for london sett sayle for london when
they safely arrived, but saith what dammage happened to any of the goods
in question happened by the meanes aforesayd and was a meere casualty
and not occasioned by any fault or neglect of the master and company
or any insuffinencry of the sayd shipp, And further hee cannot depose./
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/
To the interrogatorries/ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee is not of kindred either by blood or allyance
to the interrogate Roffe, but was one of his shipps Company the voyage
in question and there other voyage next before that, and hath receaved all this
wages due for this and the sayd other voyages and saith hee hath not past or share
in the shipp or voyage interrogate, how will it bee either proffitt or preiudise
to him which parties sooever prevaile in this cause./
To the 2 hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof in his foregoeing
deposition soo farr as hee can and further cannot answer/
To the 3 hee saith hee knoweth not to whome the goods belonged which with
left at fflushing, and saith the reasons why the rest of the sayd shipps ladeing
was not taken out was for that the master and and company did not discover any
more of them to bee damnified, and alsoe for that the winde came fayre for
for this departure and their convoy stayed for them soo that they had not tyme
to rase further what goods were damnified by the meanes aforesayd, And
further hee cannot depose/
To the 4th hee saith that there was two great falts receaved on board the sayd
shipp at fflushing but what they conteyned XX or to whome they belonged hee
knoweth not and saith they were, when they were when they XXXX put on board
to outwards appearance) drye, and were a little wett when they were put on
shoare at Buttolphe wharfe London, but whether any thing in them was damnified
hee knoweth not and further cannot answere/
To the 5th hee saith the sayd shipp after shee became leaked stayed at fflushing
not above three or fower dayes, in which tyme her leake was mended the very
next day after it was discovered and saith that they had some contrary winde
and some boistrous weather in their voyage to London, but not soo stormy as to cause
cause the shipp to take in water , nor did she take in any xxx thereby
was and is still tight staunch and strong and fitt to carrie any Merchandize
And further hee cannot answere./
To the 6th hee saith that the master ffransis Roffe of fflushing and one Bogart of
fflushing and some others that hee knoweth not are Owners of the shipp further