HCA 13/71 f.332r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 332 |
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IMAGE: P1130825.JPG | |
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Jill Wilcox | |
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2012/10/30 | |
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Edited on 31/05/2013 by Jill Wilcox and on 04/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 15th day of August 1656/ [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd allegation
Thomas Humphreys of the parish of Saint Lawrence Poultrey
London Mariner aged twenty seaven yeares or thereabouts
a witnesse sworne and examinie saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
was one of the Company and Quarter Master of the shipp the Endeavour
the voyage wherein shee was seized in manner how after expressed, and
thereby well knoweth that the arlate Robert Oxwick and Company Merchants
of London and subiects of this Commonwealth during the moneth of
August September October and untill the one and twentieth day of November
1655 (on which day shee was seized in manner hereafter expressed) were
commonly accompted and reputed the true and lawfull Owners and
Proprietors of the sayd shipp the Endeavour and of her tackle apparrell
and furniture and knoweth that William Jope arlate was by their appointment
Master of her the sayd voyage and further to this article hee cannot depose
To the second article of the sayd allegation hee saith that in the yeare 1655
aforesayd and in the moneths of October and November that yeare the sayd
shipp Endeavour laye in the roade of Loratava in the Island of Teneriff
and that during her staye there the arlate Richard Baker and Company,
all English Merchants and subiects of this Commonwealth did by their
factors there cause to bee laden and put on board the sayd shipp Endeavour
three hundred and thirteene pipes of Canary wynes, for the use and
Accompt of the sayd Baker and company to bee transported thense
to London and there delivered to their Agents for their Accompt; this
hee knoweth for that hee helped to lade the sayd wines on board the
sayd shipp and knoweth they were entered in the sayd Jope the Masters
booke as laden for their Accompte And further to this article hee cannot
To the third and fowerth articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and
deposeth that the sayd shipp Endeavour haveing taken in her sayd ladeing
of wynes sett sayle and departed therewith from the sayd Roade of
Loratava towards London on or about the seaventeenth day of November
1655, and in her course thitherwards betwixt the Ilands of Teneriff
and the Palma was upon the one and twentieth day of November 1655
English style mett with and sett upon by fower ffrench shipps (bound
as they afterwards confessed upon trading voyage to the East Indies)
commanded by the articulate Gyles de la Roch a french man and subiect
of the ffrench king, which de la Roch upon such his meeting with the sayd
shipp Endeavour and her sayd ladeing of wynes on board her, commanded
the sayd Jope the master of the Endeavour and his Company to stryke
their sayles and hoiste out their boats and came on board him which
the sayd Master and Company for that it was then might refused to
doe, where upon the sayd de la Roch sent against the next morning and