HCA 13/71 f.327v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.327v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in and during all which time shee belonged to the Port of London, this deponent having
performed two severall voiages in her, whereby hee knoweth according to constant and
credible repute and estimation, that the arlate Robert Oxwicke of London Merchant
William Joppe her late master and others all subjects of this Commonwealth
were are and ought to be the true and lawfull Owner and Proprieters of the said shipp
and of her tackle apparrell and furnitures. And further to this article he cannot depose

To the second Article hee saith, That in the moneths of October and
November in the yeare of our Lord 1655. the said shipp the Endeavour being under
the Conduct and Command of the said William Joppe did remaine at or neere the
Island of Tenariffe one of the Canarie Islands, and then and there tooke in and
received on board her she number of Three hundred and thirteen pipes of Canarie
wynes or thereabouts, which were soe laden and putt on board by the Agents or
factors of the arlate Richard Baker and Companie Merchants Subjects of this
City and Commonwealth, and for the proper accompt of the said Baker and
Companie the said wynes were designed and consigned and to be transported in the [?sayd GUTTER]
shipp and delivered at in the said Port of London. The premisses hee saith
hee knoweth both in regard hee served in and on board the said shipp at the time
aforesaid and for that hee was assistant in the lading of the said wynes, and thereby tooke notice of
the said number of pipes or thereabouts soe laden as predeposed, and constantly was
informed and understood the propriety thereof to be really and truely as aforesaid

To the third Article hee saith That the said shipp the Endeavour with her lading
of wynes aforesaid did upon the 17th day of the moneth of November in the [XXX GUTTER]
aforesaid English style depart and sett sayle from the said Island of Teneriffe bound for London
and that being in such her Course between the Islands of Teneriffe and Palma
shee was upon the 21st day of the said moneth of November sett upon by fower
ffrench shipps commanded by one Giles de la Roche a ffrenchman and subject
of the french king, the said shipps being bound for the the East Indies upon a
merchandising voiage, as this deponent by severall of the said shipps Companie [?hath GUTTER]
understood, And as to the rest of the predeposed premisses hee very well knoweth
the same to be true for that hee was an eye wittness and thereof and carefully
tooke notice of the times and place predeposed. And further cannot depose.

To the 4th Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That presently upon the
said encounter or meeting of the said french shipps with the shipp Endeavour the
said La Roche or Companie commanded the Master and Companie thereof
strike their sailes, and to hoyst out their boate and come on board him which hee
refused in regard it was then night, the said La Roch in the morning commanded
againe that the said Master and some of his Companie should come on board
and thereupon the said William Joppe sent some of his Companie aboard the said La Roche
who afterward commanded the said Jope in person to come on board him, [?and GUTTER]
hee did, and then the said french Commander sent and tooke out of the said shipp
Endeavour about 24 men leaving onely fower of he owne Companie on board
her and about thirty frenchmen, causing this deponent and the other English to be
disposed of and distributed into the said french shipps, and soe the said french
men carryed away the said shipp Endeavour and her lading for Guiney, [?where ?at GUTTER]
a place called Triviesco they landed this deponent and thirteen others of his
Companie, and left them onely one pipe of wyne and about a hundred
weight of biskett for their sustenance, where this deponent and the others [?theri GUTTER]
Camerades continued in very great danger of their Lives by the [XXX GUTTER]
Negroes the space of fiftteene weekes before any oportunity of transport
for England was offered to them. The premisses hee saith hee well knoweth
upon the grounds and reasons of knowledge before recited. And further cannot

(To the 5th