HCA 13/71 f.317r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.317r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this
deponent being a Merchant and being at the Port of Oratava in the
moneth of May 1656 at such tyme as the Irish Merchant alias the
dolphin laye there to take in her lading arlate of wines tobaccoe and
hydes, and having them a shipp alsoe lying in the same Port to be laden
by him this deponent for his companyes Accompt hee by the and
being well acquainted with and having traded with the arlate John Lopez
da Miranda thereby well knoweth him the sayd Lopez and this deponent
having discourse togeather as Merchants severall tymes while the sayd
shipp Irish Merchant laye in the sayd Port takeing in her sayd ladeing
now seized and in this cause controverted the sayd Lopez did amongst
other discourse touching merchandizeing affayres saye and declare
to this deponent that the wines tobaccoes and hides then laden on
board the sayd shipp Irish Merchant were bought by him the sayd
Lopez in the Island of Teneriff and were laden aboad the sayd
shipp for Accompt of him the sayd Lopez and of the arlate Ignatio
Landahola and don Antonio da Ponte who are all of them Spaniards and
subiects of the Kinge of Spaine, the sayd Lopez and Landahola being being of this deponents knowledge accompted
Biskequers and the sayd da Ponte an Inhabitant a Native of the Island
of Teneriff and this deponent hath heard them themselves severall tymes acknowledge and
confesse them selves soe to bee And further to this article hee cannot depose/
saving his subsequent deposition./

To the second and third articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
hee being as aforesayd of familiar acquaintance with the sayd
Lopez da Miranda and having traded with him in way of
Merchandize and bought divers wines and other commodities of him
and sold goods to him, the sayd Lopez being in
discourse with this deponent touching Merchandizing affayres during
the tyme the wines hydes and Tobaccoe in question were ladeing on
board the sayd shipp Irish Merchant, and being told by the sayd Lopez
that they were laden aboard for Accompt of him, and the sayd Landahola
and da Ponte, did tell the sayd Lopez that it would bee dangerous for
him to transport the sayd goods to England (whither the sayd Lopez
sayd they were to bee transported) they being for the Accompt of
Spaniards subiects of the Kinge of Spaine or words to that effect,
whereto the sayd Lopez replyed to this or the like effect following
videlicet why (speaking to this deponent) how doe you being English trade
heere, cannot wee thinke you as well colour our goods in England
under other mens names who have liberty of trade there, as well as
you doe