HCA 13/71 f.309r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.309r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Master upon the Quarter deck, And hee saith (the same day) after the
premisses soe happened the sayd May meeteing this deponent as
hee this deponent was comming out of the steerage desyred this
deponent to stand by him and take his part, And sayd if the Master
would not pay him this deponent his wages, hee the sayd May would
whereto this deponent answered the sayd May and said hee looked for noe
pay of him, And hee alsoe saith that the sayd Swinburne the boateswaine
did (before the difference predeposed of betweene the sayd Master and the sayd May happened) deliver to this deponent his Cutlase and Pistoll to keepe
and this deponent laid them up in his Cabbin but the Cabbin having
noe door to it this deponent knoweth not who tooke the same out thence nor
when it was taken thence, but saith hee sawe the same afterwards videlicet after the differences aforesayd in
the sayd boatswaines possession, and hee heard the Carpenter of
the sayd shipp and others of the sayd shipps company saye that they sawe
him discharge the sayd pistoll against an Anchor stock and that the same
was charged with a brace of bulletts, And hee saith that the paper
shewed unto him at this his examination and beginning thus On board
shipp Union July 27th 1655 soe farr as concerneth him this deponent is
truth and was subscribed by him with his owne handwriting And further
hee cannot depose. saving his foregoeing deposition/

Richard Chapman [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day

Rp. 4

James Baker of Rederiff Wall in the County of
Surrey Mariner one of the Company of the Shipp the Vine
of London aged nynteene yeares or thereabouts a wittnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth

That in the yeare 1655 hee this deponent went a Common man in the
Shipp Vine (James Barker Master) on a voyage to the East Indies and that
John May went Masters Mate and Pylott of the sayd shipp the sayd voyage In
which voyage outwards bound there happened to bee some differences
betwixt the sayd Master and the sayd John May, and remembreth
that one of the differences was for that the sayd master desyred of the sayd May
his the sayd Mayes Azimuth Compasse to use, and the sayd May being formerly
displeased with the sayd Master refused to lett him have the same, and
the Master being thereat offended, commanded one Swinburne the then
Boatswaine of the sayd shipp upon perill of the losse of his wages to fetch
the sayd Compasse out of thes sayd Mayes Cabbin and the sayd May speaking
to the sayd Boatswaine sayd thus or to the like effect videlicet Boatswaine I charge
you upon perill of tenn tymes the losse of your wages that you meddle not with the
sayd Compasse, whereat the Master being displeased struck the sayd May a
boxe on the eare, and the sayd May and the Master grappled and strugled one with the
other and were at length parted by some of the sayd shipps Company, And hee
saith the same day in the afternoone and not long after the sayd scuffle
betwixt the sayd May and the sayd Master, the sayd May came to this deponent
and told him that hee the sayd May beleeved that for his sayd
contending with the sayd Master hee should be brought to the Capsterne and
punished or to that effect, and desyred this deponent to take his the