HCA 13/71 f.302v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 302 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2012/10/24 | |
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Edited on 15/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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taken (that hee knoweth of) for the retourne of any goods in lieu of [XXX]
soe brought home, nor had hee any order touching any answer to [XX]
the English or other shipps that hee should meete with.
To the fifth hee saith hee hath not bin taught or instructed what to say
answer or depose since his comming to London, and saith the said Chelling[worth]
with a shallop manned came aboard the said shipp on or about tuesday
last, and said hee seized her lading and said alsoe that hee had a
Commission thereto, and shewed a parchment Instrument (which this deponent
understood not) which hee said was his Commission, And otherwise hee
cannot depose.
To the sixth hee saith hee knoweth the interrogated John Lopez da Miranda
and left him at Teneriff this voyage, and that John Balthazar a young
man who came home in the said shipp (and alsoe went out in her) was
his servant, And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving as aforesaid.
To the seaventh hee saith that there are not two pipes or other quantities
of wine aboard for the account of the said John Lopez da Miranda that
this deponent knoweth of. And saith hee knoweth not whether Don Antonio
da Ponte mr Ignatius Landthala, nor hath heard speake of them
And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the eighth hee answereth negatively to the same and every part thereof.
To the last Interrogatorie and foure letters and one bill of lading
and showd unto him, hee saith the said bill of lading [?concerneth] the
foresaid goods. soe consigned to the said Mr Page, who therein is
[?Powets] and that the said bill is filled up and subscribed by this
deponent with his owne hand, but saith hee knoweth nothing of the
said [XXXX]. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
Jan daenielsen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Exámined upon the foresaid Interrogatories.
Rp. 3.
Robert Hunter of London Mariner, aged 24 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and exámined.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee was borne at Harwich
in Essex and dwelleth at Wapping and hath soe donne about nine yeeres
and that hee hath knowne the shipp interrogated neare two yeares, and [XXX]
hath soe longe bin master of her
only for this voyage his precontest John danielson was alsoe put master
of her, because hee was a dutchman and might goe ashore at the
Canaries, and saith this deponent came first aboard her in the River
Thames, being constituted master by her owners, who bought her of this
Commonwealth, shee having bin a prize taken upon the dutch.
To the second hee saith the said shipps lading consisted of raisins [XXX]
and tobaccoe, all which were laden at Teneriff, and saith they [XXXX]
in the as from John Lopez da Miranda and for account of
Antonio ffernandez whose factor the said Lopez is and [XXXX]
the said shipp [?hXXX] to the Canaries with [?lemmons] and other goods,
by the said Mr ffernandez, and of which this deponent conceiveth the
lading to be the retourne, but what countryman Mr fernandez is he [XX]
this deponent knoweth not, and saith this deponent and the said
danielson a fflushinger have for their ioynt account [?XXXXXXX]
Primary sources
PROB 11/421/379 Will of Robert Hunter, Mariner of Saint Mary Whitechapel, Middlesex 31 July 1694