HCA 13/71 f.301r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 301 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2012/09/24 | |
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Edited on 16/04/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 18th of July 1656.
Richard Webb and Company Imployers}
of the Satisfaction (Thomas Chellingworth}
Captaine) against the Irish Merchant alias}
the Dolphin.}
Rp. 1
John Baillchache of Saint Malo's
in the Realme of ffrance servant
of John Lopez de Miranda, aged
18 yeeres or thereabouts, sworne as
in the ácts of Court, and exámined
upon certaine Interrogatories saith as followeth.
Rp. 1
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that hee this deponent is a
Native of Saint Malo's aforesaid and dwelt alwaies there with his
father (there Inhabiting) till about a yeare and halfe since, that his said
father put him to be a servant in way of a Merchant to the said John Lopez
da Miranda, and saith hee well knoweth the shipp the Irish Marchant
otherwise the dolphin arlate and went passenger in her hence to the
Canaries, and retourned thence passenger in her thither, and was none
of her company, and that hee soe went hense about seaven monethes
since as servant to his said Master, who alsoe went passenger in her, and
this deponent both went and came by order and appointment of his
said master, who staid behinde at Teneriff
To the second hee saith the said shipp came to this port this voyage
laden with wines, tobacooes and hides, all which hee beleeveth to be still
onboard her, and saith they were laden and taken all aboard her at
Teneriffe (one of the Canarie Islands) in the space of about five
monethes ended about seaven weekes since, at which time shee set
saile and departed thence for this port: And saith the said goods were
laden by the said John Lopez da Miranda, for the account of Mr
ffernandez Marchant of this citie, whose factor or servant hee
saith the said Miranda was in the said lading of the said goods;
and hee beleeveth the said goods to be consigned to the said Mr
fernandez, hee being (as hee saith) the owner of them, and saith
hee this exáminate hath knowne the said Mr fernandez about
fourteene monethes, during which space hee hath mett in Leadenhall
streete London, but what Countreyman or whose subiect hee the
said Mr fernandez is, hee saith hee doth not knowe; and denieth
that ever hee said that the owner or the owners of the said goods
were subiects of the king of Spaine.
To the third Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee doth
not knowe what papers, or bills of lading, Invoices or other
writings were aboard the said shipp in this her voyage at or before
her seizure, nor knoweth the contents or papers of any that
were aboard her, save only hee saith hee brought a lettere from his
said Master to the said Mr fernandez to whom he delivered it
since his arivall, sealed up as hee received it, not knowing the
contents thereof, And otherwise hee saith hee cannot depose.
To the fourth hee saith hee this exáminate had not any instructions
at all concerning the disposill or deliverie of the said goods; only hee