HCA 13/71 f.297r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.297r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


part owners of the said shipp in the name and on the behalfe of themselves
and of the rest of the owners did at the signe of the
Bull in Saint Nicholas lane London, agree with and hire the producent
Robert Browning to goe masters mate and assistant to the
Sopra-cargo of the said shipp for a voyage with her to be made from
this port of London to Sally in Barbary and thense to other ports
and places beyond the seas, and soe back for this port
of London, and contracted and agreed with him to give him foure pounds
per moneth for every moneth that hee should serve in the said shipp
the said voyage as masters mate, and fourtie shillings in every
hundred pounds worth of goods that the said shipp should carry out with
her or take into her beyond the seas for his Assistanse to the
Sopra Cargo; which hee knoweth being then and there alsoe present
and hearing the said contract soe made, and saith that the said Robert
Browning went the said voyage and served in the said shipp both
as masters mate and Assistant to the Sopra cargo,
and began and entred into full pay the said tenth of May 1654
and continued in the said service and imployment till and unto the
27th day of March next following, of this deponents sight and
knowledge this deponent being master of the said shipp; and in
that space went in her to Sally where shee delivered part of
her cargo in or about August 1655, and thense to Santa Cruse
where shee delivered the rest of her lading, and tooke in other goods
which shee intended to carry to Sally, but in her course for thitherward
was met by stresse of weather forced into Tituan in the Streights
where shee delivered passengers and goods, and thense the said shipp
with the said Robert Browning in her endeavouring to saile
againe to Sally, was againe by extremitie of weather forced into
Calves (with the losse of the said shipps anchor) and there delivered
her lading remaining to that time aboard, and there on the 27th
of March 1655 this deponent left the said Robert Browning with
Mr Wilson (the owners correspondent) with certaine goods that
were then undisposed of and belonging to the said owners. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith the said shipp exported the said voyage a
cargo of goods belonging to the said Vanderpost and company aforesaid
worth 1300 li sterling or thereabouts, consisting in guns, linnen
and woollen cloth and other goods.

To the 5th hee saith the said shipp at severall of the foresaid ports
tooke in severall goods for the said owners account and belonging
unto them, to the valew of two thousand pounds or thereabouts
And otherwise cannot depose.

To the 6th hee saith the said Robert Browning all the said voyage
performed his duties of masters mate and assistant to the sopra cargo
honestly and faithfully, of this deponents sight and knowledge.

To the 7th hee saith hee hath heard the said owners required to pay
the said wages, which they refused.

Thomas Browning [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.