HCA 13/71 f.291v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.291v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


shipp going accordingly to and ariving at Argastoll, the said Thomas
dobson went ashore on the 30th of November 1655 (the day of the said shipps
arrivall) and saith the said Captaine and Robert Thompson arlate having
bin there alsoe afterwards ashore, they came aboard as alsoe did
the said Thomas dobson, and being in the Captaines Cabbin this deponent
heard them talke of a freight, that the said dobson was [XX] treating
about with a merchant there and this deponent heard that 600 dollars per [?moneth GUTTER]
was to be the freight for the said voyage to be made with the said shipp but saith that the said shipp having staid at Argastol about [?three XXX GUTTER]
and the said freightment not succeeding, shee went for Ligorne, and [?there GUTTER]
arived the 8th of January next following, and there the said Captaine GUTTER]
Craneye and Robert Thompson applied theXXXXXXXX the arlate George Morleigth and Robert
Constable, and saith hee heard the said Captaine say that such his
departure from Argostoll and going to Ligorne and his applying himselfe
there to the said [?Morleigth] and Constable, was by order of the said Thomas
dobson, therein impowered by the said John dobson, and Richard ffarington
factors of the said George ffarington, And as the said Captaine [?and Thompson alsoe GUTTER]
said, the said [?Morleigth] and Constable not receiving [?consignement GUTTER]
of moneys or goods from the said mr dobson and ffarington, And answered them after
their application aforesaid, that they must even goe home for England
with the said shipp out of hand or to that effect and soe the said shipp
after sixe dayes stay there namely on the fourteenth of January
last departed from Ligorne for England, and arived at
Plimouth the 20th of ffebruary next following, and there staid
about six or seven weekes to be repaired, (having lost her [?pulleys GUTTER]
by stresse of weather) and to take in goods for London. and then set saile thence and about [?fower GUTTER]
dayes after arived in this port, namely on or about the eleventh
of Aprill last past, All which hee knoweth for the reasons
aforesaid, going all the said voyage, and saving the premisses soe
downe, and saith that hee knoweth that some of the said shipps lading
that shee tooke in at Zant (being fustick as hee remembreth) was
on board and undischardged out of the said shipp in the end of Aprill
last of this deponents sight and knowledge. And otherwise hee cannot
depose, saving that while the said shipp was at Ligorne this
deponent sawe the said Captaine and Robert Tompson ashore with
the said [?Monteigth] and Constable.

To the tenth hee cannot depose.

To the eleaventh article hee saith and deposeth that from the time
of this deponents said shipping namely from the first of January
1654 hee well knoweth that the said shipp was and remained in the
service and imployment of the said George ffarington till the end of
Aprill 1656, during all which time the said Captaine [?Craneye]
was alsoe in the said service as Commander of the said shipp, and
that from the said time of this deponents said shipping until the fifth
fifth of July 1655 the arlate Samuel Swann was the servant of the
said Craney, and was in the said service in the said shipp, and soe
was the said arlate Austin Pettye (another of the said Captaines servants
from the said first of January 1654 till the said shipp had bin about
a moneth at Plimouth as aforesaid, and then hee was there prest
with the States service, and saith they and the said shipp had bin
in the said service before this deponents said shipping, for before
such his shipping shee had taken in almost all her outwards lading
And lastly saith that the said Captaine [?Craney] well desired 6 li per
moneth for his said service, Austin Petty 34 s per moneth and Samuel
Swann 25 s per moneth. And otherwise hee cannot depose.