HCA 13/71 f.268v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.268v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


other occasions And
John Jackson Theodore Weekes and fower or five more of the sayd
shipps Company came with the sayd shipps longe boate and fetcht
water and carried the same on board and returned to fetch wood
but when they came to shoare they all of them save one (by name
Thomas Richards left the sayd boate at the streame side and went
into the Towne of Zant and there fell a drinkeing in soe much that
being distempered with drinke they went to a place where the
Merchants there use to meete and there meeting with Mr [XXXX GUTTER]
dobson one of the ffactors of the sayd ffarington began (as this
deponent hath heard was informed) to abuse and revile the sayd
dobson, (and the sayd dobson (as hee hath alsoe heard) procured
some souldiers to apprehend the sayd John Jackson and
put him on the guards in prison, where this deponent afterwards
sawe him, and the the rest of the sayd Company who were with
the sayd Jackson fledd to the skiffe of the sayd shipp
Geo: Bonadventure the rest of their crue being in the towne attending the master [XXXX] and soe gott on board the sayd shipp and being
gott on board (as the foresayd Nathaniell hutchinson told this
deponent) they sayd the boate should not goe to shoare
to fetch the Master and this deponent, nor bring them on board
unlesse the Master would procure the sayd Jackson to bee
released of his imprisonment or words to that effect or to that effect and with all the
sayd hutchinson told this deponent that John Brookes one of
those that soe fledd and gott on board, vowed that hee would
bee the death of one (not nameing whome)
which notwithstanding
the sayd hutchinson caused the shipps skiffe with one
man only to scull her to come a shoare to bring the sayd Master
and this deponent aboard, and this deponent and the sayd Master and those of
the sayd skiffes Crew who attended in towne upon him went aboard
the sayd shipp in the sayd Skiffe, and the sayd Master and this deponent and those who
came with them being come on board the sayd Brookes and
the sayd Weekes and others of the sayd shipps Company asked the sayd
Master where the sayd John Jackson was and
withall layed violent hands upon the sayd Master and [looXX GUTTER]
his Coate, and told him hee should fetch the sayd Jackson, and
this deponent desyring them to bee quiett and not to meddle
with and affront the sayd Master the sayd Brookes Weekes and
others of the sayd shipps Company fell violently upon this deponent
and amongst them tripped up this deponents heeles at the steereage doors
and the