HCA 13/71 f.267v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.267v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


three hundred bushells of Corne of the quantitie taken in at
London all which was as this deponent beleeveth imbezelled by
the sayd shipps Company videlicet part of it by them conveyed away
and other part of it haved over board by reason the same was
damnified by the water taken in at the sayd shipps hatches And
saith the sayd Corne soe wanting was at his this deponents
estimate and judgment worth fower score pounds sterling or there
abouts and soe much hee esteemeth the sayd ffarrington
to be damnified thereby And further to these articles hee
cannot depose/

To the 5th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that while the
sayd shipp George Bonadventure was at Zant the voyage afore
sayd this deponent went alonge with the Master of the sayd shipp
on shoare to the Providore or Governour of Zant who told the sayd
Master in this deponents presence to this effect that hee had caused the sayd
shipp to bee hyred by the arlate Signiour Mavaradino to goe a
voyage to Cassandra and thence returne to Zant and asked the
sayd Master and this deponent whether they were willing to goe the sayd
voyage, whereto they answered yes, they were willing to goe if they
could get the rest of their Company to goe that voyage, whereupon the
sayd Providore bidd the sayd Master and this deponent goe and move it to his
Company which hee accordingly did and saith the Company being
by the sayd Master and this deponent demanded whether they were
willing to goe the sayd voyage the arlate Nathaniell hutchinson
the Masters mate replyed and sayd hee would not goe that voyage
upon any termes, and the like answere was returned by Beniamin
dimmock the other of the sayd Masters Mates as alsoe by the
Boatswaine Christopher Neck aforesayd John Godden
henry denby and others of the sayd shipps Company whereupon
the sayd Master and this deponent went to the sayd Providore and
acquainted him that the Company and especially the sayd Hutchinson would not goe that
voyage but whereupon the sayd Providore sent Mr John Gifford
and Thomas dobson merchants of Zant to persuade
the sayd hutchinson and the rest of the Company to goe the sayd
voyage but hee the sayd hutchinson and the rest of the Company still
refused to goe and the sayd hutchinson told the sayd Gifford
and dobson, that if the Providore sent a noate for him
hee would goe to him and give him his reasons why hee would not
goe and the Providore afterwards sending a noate for the
sayd hutchinson hee refused to goe, at least did not goe to the
Providore, and thereupon the sayd Master and this deponent