HCA 13/71 f.265v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.265v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sawe the sayd twelve hogsheads on board her, and saith the
sayd Copperis being (by reason of the wett receaved by the sayd shipp
being overburthened therewith and sinkeing with it) the a great part [of GUTTER]
it consumed and wasted away, and the sayd shipp being cleered of
the water receaved by meanes aforesayd, did floate againe that Christ[mas day GUTTER] and
shortly after did performe her voyage to Roane with her other
ladeing on board her which consisted of Sea Coles but saith one butt of Conie skinns and a peece of woollen Cloth was being much dammaged by the wett receaved as aforesayd, taken from aboard by the laders there[of GUTTER] this
hee knoweth goeing Carpenter of her the sayd voyage And
saith hee well knoweth being Carpenter of her that the
sayd shipp at the tyme of ladeing the sayd Copperis on board
her was a tight strong shipp and soe continued the whole
voyage in question and therefore verily beleeveth that the sayd
shipp and her ladeing were soe sunke by reason of the sayd
Copperis being laden aboard her contrary to the sayd Masters order
soe that the dammage happened to the sayd shipp and her other
ladeing only by meanes thereof and not thereof
any insufficiencie of the sayd shipp or neglect of the Master
and Company of her And further hee cannot depose saving
hee beleeveth the sayd shipps Company did not defraude the
sayd Tether of any of his Copperis./

To the 7th hee cannot depose/

To the 8th saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth
hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first he saith hee was Carpenter of the Julian the tyme
Interrate, and was not present at the tyme of takeing in the Copperis Interrate
and further saveing his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/

To the 2 hee saith hee was not present at any tyme when the
Interrate Tether and Bryan spake togeather concerning ladeing the
Copperis aforesayd nor soe much as knoweth the sayd Tether
And further hee cannot answere./

To the 3 hee cannot answere knowing nothing nor haveing heard
any thing touching the contents thereof more than what hee hath before

To the 4th hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof before
soe farr as hee can./

To the 5th hee saith hee being Carpenter of the shipp the Julian
for the voyage in question and for two voyages before well knoweth
that shee had noe plugg nor plugg hole in her and therefore
cannot ánswere otherwise than before hee hath deposed./
