HCA 13/71 f.254v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 254 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 15/10/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130668.JPG | |
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Jill Wilcox | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/15 | |
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Edited on 27/4/2013 by Jill Wilcox |
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hold and other parts of the shipp aforesayd and amongst her ladeing
and alsoe brake her Ruther head shoot off, and brake the from worke
of the sayd Ruther soe that the Ruther was loose and in great perill every
rnomentto be alsoe carried away from the sayd shipp which to
present the sayd Master and Company used all possible diligence and
hung out men in the sayd storme over the sayd shipps side to worke
and fasten the sayd Rudder to the sayd shipp with roapes soo as to bring
her to her steerage, which men wrought in danger of their lives and
with much difficulty fastned the same with roapes but the same was
again broken by force of the sayd tempest, for that they could not
fasten the same for as to make it continue to steere the shipp thereby
untill about fower dayes after the beginning of the sayd storme
And the sayd Master and Company during the sayd storme did by
horues worke day and night at the chayed pumps of the sayd shipp
and as all possible endeavours to preserve the sayd shipp and
her ladeing, did from perishing in the sea and by such theise
endeavours and Gods blessing thereupon did save her and her ladeing
from sinking in the sayd storme, this hee knoweth being a
mate the Master of the sayd shipp and saving the premisses happen and
helpeing to labour for preservation of the sayd shipp and goods from
utterly perishing therein, and for that hee kept a journall of all
remarkable things which, happened or were done the sayd voyage And
further to those articles hee cannot depose./
To the 7th articles hee saith and deposeth that the sayd storme being
past the sayd shipp in her cause for London well with a second
storme which began on the 9th day of ffebruary and continued
with great furie till the 12th and with some smale abatement
till the sixteenth of the sayd month by force whereof the sayd shipp
having receaved much dammage by this first storme and her maste
and some in XXXXXX broken and the same only mended soe well as the shortenes of the
tyme betweene the sayd stormes and the condition the sayd shipp and her company
were in would afforde, her waste ˹and timbers aforesayd˺ was againe broken downe by
the sayd second storme and her decks could not bee kept cleere
of water for that much water then alsoe ran into her hold and
other parts of her and amongst her ladeing and could not possibly
bee prevented by any industry of the master and company of
the sayd shipp And further to this article hee cannot depose./
To the 8th and 9th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
the sayd shipp the tymes arlate was (in this deponenth judgement
and soe farr as hee could or did observe) a tight strong and sufficient
shipp and fitt to carrie the sayd tobaccoes or any marchants
goods of that or the like kinde and nature And saith that what
dammage happened to the tobaccoe on board her happened realy
by the violence of the sayd stormes which dammified the sayd
shipp in manner aforesayd and thereby caused her to take in