HCA 13/71 f.253v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.253v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


be fastned soe as to make it [?hold] till the fowerth day of the sayd
storme And hee also saith the sayd Master and company of the sayd
shipp did for the better preservation of the sayd shipp and her ladeing during
the sayd storme worked day and night by turnes at the Chayne pump
of the sayd shipp and doe what possibly could bee done by men in their
condition to mend the breaches and hurts done to the sayd shipp by the
sayd storme and to preseve the goods aboard her from dammage and
did by Gods blessing upon such their endeavours preserve the sayd shipp
from sinking in the sayd storme which they did with great difficulty and
labour This hee deposeth being Masters cheefe mate and aboard and an
eye wittnes thereof and helpeing to worke at the pumps and doe
other service aboard the sayd shipp in order to her preservation and keeping a journall of the tymes whenthe things predeposed happened. And
further to these articles hee cannot depose./

To the 7th article of the sayd allegation hee saith the sayd storme being past
the sayd shipp in her voyage from Virginia towards London mett with an
other very violent storme which began upon the 9th of ffebruary 1655 and continuith
with extreame furie till the twelfth of the same and with some smale abate=
ment of the furie thereof untill the 16th of the same moneth soe that the sayd
shipp having bin soo dammified by the former tempest
her defects could not bee soe sufficiantly amended but that
what was done in repayreing of them were by the sayd second storme broken againe soe
that the deck could not bee kept cleare of water by which meanes
much water ranne unavoidably into the hold and among the sayd goods
and could not bee prevented by any industrie of the sayd Master and
Company this hee deposeth for the reasons aforesayd, and for that hee
kept a Journall as aforesayd And further to this article hee cannot

To the 8th and 9th articles hee saith the sayd shipp the King of Poland
at the tymes arlate was (in this deponents Judgement and soe farr as
hee could and did observe) a tight shipp and well
caulked and fitt to carrie the sayd Tobaccoes or any merchants
goods of like nature And saith that what damage is happened to
the Tobaccoes aforesayd after the ladeing thereof happened not
through any neglect or default of the Master and Company
of her, or any insufficiencie of the sayd shipp
(other than what was occasioned by the sayd stormes and by the
water which by reason of them the sayd shipp receaved among the
sayd Tobaccoes And further to these articles hee cannot depose./

To the 10th hee saith hee knoweth for that hee kept a Journall as
aforesayd that the sayd shipp and Tobaccoes aboard her arived
in this port of London about the latter one of the moneth of
March last, and saith hee afterwards sawe the sayd tobaccoes unladen
and delivered out of the sayd shipp, and helped to unlade and
deliver the same And further hee cannot to this article depose/

To the 11th hee saith that the tyme arlate and before videlicet during
the whole voyage in question the arlate Allen and Buiston and
Company videlicet the forenamed Perient Trott and others were and are
Commonly accounted to bee the lawfull Owners and Proprietors
of the sayd shipp the King of Poland And this deponent well