HCA 13/71 f.233v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.233v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


arrived in the River Thames and before any of her goods were taken
out of her the sayd shipp and her ladeing were viewed by two Masters
of Shipps whome he beleeveth
were honest and experienced men but what certificate they made thereof
hee knoweth not And further hee cannot depose/

To the 10th hee cannot depose

To the 11th hee saith he believeth the sayd Christopher Page and other
owners of the Samuell if they have not receaved the
freight due for the voyage in question are dammified by detention th[?ereof GUTTER]
but to what value hee cannot declare./

To the 12th he cannot depose/

To the 13th he saith hee knoweth not the arlate Richard Basse having only seene him once and hee
cannot depose to this article of his certaine knowledge but saith (hee [?had GUTTER]
as aforesayd once seene him) and then heard him speake good English, therefore beleeveth him to bee
an Englishman and subiect to the authority of this Court And further
hee cannot depose

To the 14th hee referreth himself to the Registry of this Court and
further cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his forgoeing deposition is true./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin
the second of June 1656/



James Cowse of London Merchant against the vessell the}
John and Elizabeth of which Edward Keene is Master}
and against the sayd Edward Keene: Suckley Smith}

Examined on an allegation given in the 31th of May
1655 on behalfe of the sayd Cowse/

dt. 7

William Brunning of Wapping in the County
of Middlesex Mariner aged 28 yeares or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
being the Master of a shipp called the Recovery of London and then lying
in harbour at Saint Lucar in Spaine did there see the arlate Edward K[?eene GUTTER]
arrived there in the moneth of November 1654 in a certayne shipp or vessell called (as this deponent hath [?heard GUTTER]
the John and Elizabeth, and being (as he this deponent beleeveth) the shipp [?was the GUTTER]
vessell allegate, and saith (the sayd Edward Keene at such his arrival
the sayd shipp there and during the tyme that he this deponent stayed at Saint Lucar
after such his, the sayd Keenes arrivall there (which was about [?seven GUTTER]
or eight dayes) was there Commonly accompted and reputed to be Master [?of GUTTER]
the sayd shipp or Vessell the John and Elizabeth and did of this dep[?onents GUTTER]
sight and knowledge take upon him the care and charge of her as Master [XXX GUTTER]
And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose

To the 2 and 3th articles of the sayd allegation and the schedule in the sayd hand
mentioned hee saith that hee heard one Mr Duck a factor resident at Saint
Lucar earnestly perswade the sayd Edward Keene to proceede on his voyage