HCA 13/71 f.224v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.224v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second and third hee referreth himselfe to this foregoing deposition
and otherwise hee cannot answer.

To the fourth that the treatie and agreement of the said parties [?were GUTTER]
by their consents put into writing contained in the Charterpartie
annexed to the said Interrogatorie and nowe showne unto him, which
hee saith is the counterpart of the Charterpartie subscribed
and sealed by William harris, Thomas Bowier and Richard
[?heaman], which hee knoweth finding it of this deponents servants hand
writing and to agree with the said part subscribed and sealed by the
said Bowier and heamans, to whose sealing and
deliverie hee this deponent was a witnes, and hath the said
part nowe with him.

To the 5th hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin



The 22th of May 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

Captaine Lawson Captaine Howe[?lt}
and company against the shipp the Saint}
Julian of Brest and against James}
de Cornovaile and company and against}
the Sieur de [?Landergaren] comming in for his}
interest. Budd. Smyth.}

Examined upon the allegation given
in by Smith on the behalfe of the
said Cournovaille and company.

Rp. .j.

Tangin kerivot of [?Reconverance] neere
Brest in Bretany Pilote of the said shipp
the Saint Julian of Brest, aged fiftie
yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined

To the said allegation (made in the acts of Court) hee saith and
deposeth that hee well knoweth the shipp the Saint Julian in question
and hath be donne ever since shee was built, which her building
was donne at Brest about three yeeres since of this deponents [?sight GUTTER]
and knowledge, and that ever since shee remained there till about
the moneth of ffebruary last at which time shee departed
thence (being the first time that ever shee put out to sea) to come
for London, and this deponent came thence pilot of her: And saith
hee well knoweth the producents James de Cornovaille and John
du Mascham and hath be donne for theise sixteene yeeres last past
and well know the allegate ffloran de Cornovaille in his
life time who is lately dead and buried with in a weekes space last
and well knew him alsoe for neere about twenty yeeres next before
his death, and saith hee was a ffrenchman and a subiect of the
king of ffrance, and that the said James de Cornovaille and John de
Mascham were and are ffrenchman and subiects of the said king and
for such commonly accounted and reputed, and further that they the [?said GUTTER]
James and ffloran de Cornovaille and John de Mascham built the