HCA 13/71 f.223r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.223r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Transported in the sayd shipp towards Marseille aforesayd; and
to be sould and disposed of for their Respective accompts by
Thomas Moody. who went Sopra Cargo of and in the sayd shipp
All which hee knoweth to be true because hee this deponent had alsoe a
like proportion and share in Pilchards Stockings and other things
and moneys on board the said shipp to the vallue of three hundred
pounds sterling or thereabouts for his accompt laden at Bristoll
and to be disposed of by the sayd Sopra Cargo. besides hee had his
third part in the sayd shipp as aforesayd./.

To the 4th hee saith that the sayd shipp, departed from Bristoll on
the said voyage with the said goods and moneys aboard her, and that
shee and the said goods and moneys were afterwards in Mallaga Roade
seized by the Spaniards, as this deponent hath bin informed both by
the Sopra Cargo who went in her and by a certificate under the hands
of severall English Merchants there resident, and so were and are
Utterly lost to the producents.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin with his precontests.



The 19th of May 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

Affidavit touching the Lilly}
of Bristoll seized by the}

Thomas Moody of Bristoll Merchant aged 28 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne before the right Worshipfull. John Godolphin
doctor of lawes, one of the Judges of the
High Court of the Admiraltie saith and deposeth by
vertue of his oath,


That hee this deponent was Sopra-Cargo of the good shipp the
Lilly of Bristoll (Thomas [?Parson] master) in her last voyage, wherein hee
saith that the said voyage shee was bound from Bristoll for Grand
Malaga and Vales and that while hee was and remained
at Bristoll preparing for the said voyage, there was a cargo of
goods laden aboard her (consisting of Pilchards, Stockings, linen and
moneys) by severall merchants of Bristoll, amongst who were
John Stephens and John Woodward of Bristoll merchants, who had
ioyntly a sixteenth part of and in the said cargo, which past was to
be disposed and sold for their account by this deponent Sopra cargo
of the said shipp, And that the said goods and moneys
laden in december last. And further that the said shipp
with her said cargo of goods aboard her proceeded from
Bristoll on the said voyage on or about the three and twentieth of
the said moneth of december, and went directly without any
stopp or deviation to Malaga Roade where shee came to an anchor
and that the next day after such her comming to an anchor namely
on the thirtieth of January last there came a Saty, a [?Vergantine]
and severall boates from shore manned with Spanish souldiers who