HCA 13/71 f.207r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 207 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 02/11/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130572.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2012/11/02 | |
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Edited on 10/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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ánd would have there yeilded ánd produced after the rates following, that
is to say. the sayd herrings betwixt eighty ánd ninety Ryalls per
barrell, the sayd beefe a Ryall or upward per pound, and the
sayd pipestaves a thousand Ryalls per thousand. And that was then
ánd formerly likewise the usuall ánd ordinary price for such
goods ánd he this deponent hath sold ánd seene the same sold, And
somuch or thereabouts, had they come well conditioned they would then
ánd there have bene worth. And the same would have produced a
good quantity of wynes but how much he ćannot depose. And
further or otherwise knoweth not saving that upon his coming to
London ánd in the monethes of January ánd ffebruary last past
Canary wynes did yeild an high price from about one and thirty
to five or six and thirty pounds sterleing per pipe according to their
respective quality and goodnes. which he knoweth by what he hath
heard saw and observed, ánd did himselfe sell of those wynes
átt thirty two pounds sterling per pipe.
To the 18th. and nyneteenth articles of the sayd Libell he saith that there
were of this deponents knowledge about nyne English shipps
laden att the Canaries with wynes after the Embargo came there
and whilst this deponent remaiyned there in the monethes of
October, November and december 1655. last past, and that in safety
and without danger, and he this deponent knoweth that within the sayd
monethes and in expectation of the sayd shipp the Little Mary the
foresayd Mr Stephens had procured liberty that she might have bene
laden as other English shipps were, and to that purpose he
had procured dutch dispatches and writings for them, which dispatches
this deponent saw ánd for some tyme had in his Custody, And
is well assured for the Reasons aforesayd, That in case the sayd
shipp Little Mary had arrived ánd come to the Canaries in the monethes
of October November december 1655 whilst this deponent was
there she might ánd would have bene laden with wynes ánd might
have returned in safety for England as the sayd other English
shipps did, upon one of which being the Elizabeth of London
John Salmon Master he this deponent did lade one hundred seventy
odd pipes of wyne in November and december 1655 last past
which are since safely come to this Port of London. and otherwise
he cannot depose.
To the 20th. 21th. articles he saith he cannot depose.
To the 22. 23. and 24th articles he referrs himselfe to the law and the Acts
of the Court ánd to his foregoeing depositions which he saith
are true And otherwise cannot depose.
To the Crosse Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory This Rendent saith, That he expects nothing for
his deposition nor is promised any thing nor is any way concerned
other than to declare what he hath now deposed which att the sayd Mr Bodys