HCA 13/71 f.194r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.194r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 20th of May 1656 [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of George Robinson and}
others for the goods in the shipp the}
Armes of Brill, Martin Williamson}
Rosse, Master. Smith. Budd.}

Examined upon an allegation and schedules
on the behalfe of the said Robinson and others.

dt. Smyth.


Anthony Philp of the parish of Saint Buttolph
Bellonsgate London Marchant, aged 40 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article hee saith that the arlate Rocus [?Parvé] was and
is an Inhabitant of Rotterdam, which hee knoweth for that
this deponent lately sent over
his sonne thither to him, to be by him the said Rocus placed out there at
schoole; and hee well knoweth that hee correspondeth alsoe with the
producent mr Robinson, this deponent having seene letters that have
bin written and sent between them as correspondents, and for an Inhabitant
of Rotterdam, a dutchman and a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands
hee the said Rocus [?Parvé] was and is commonly accounted. And otherwise
hee doth not depose.

To the second article hee saith and deposeth that in or about the
moneth of October last past the said George Robinson wrote over
to Rotterdam unto the said Rocus [?Parvé] desiring him to freight a
dutch shipp from thence for Cadiz or Saint Lucars to lade oranges
and lemmons and bring thence into the downes there to receive the said Robinsons orders and alsoe to write over
to his the said [?Parvé's] factor or correspondent at Cadiz or Saint Lucars
to lade the said shipp with oranges and lemmons, and all in
his the said [?Parvé's] owne name, in regard of the differences betweene
England and Spaine, and ordered (by his said letters) the said [?Parvé]
to drawe bills of exchange (for payment for the said oranges and
lemmons) upon him the said Robinson for account of whom
and company, the said oranges and lemmons were really to be laden,
and who was to give order for disposall of them when they could
be brought into the downes. The promisses hee deposeth
because the said Robinson advised with this deponent (before his writing)
touching the said freighting and voyage, and afterwards showed him
his letter written to the said [?Parvé] thereabouts.

To the third article hee saith and deposeth that the said Rocus [?Parvé]
shortly after such writing by the said mr Robinson, retourned another
unto him (which this deponent sawe) purporting that hee had received
his letters and would effect the contents thereof, and by another letter hee
wrote to the said Robinson that hee had according to his said order
freighted a shipp for him there named the Armes of Brill (whereof
Martin Williamson Rosse was master) as in the name and for the
service of him the said [?Parvé], but in truth and deede for him the
said Robinson, and had sent her for Saint Lucars or Cadiz to lade oranges
and lemmons, and that hee had ordered Gilbert [?Melso] his
factor or correspondent in these parts to lade the said shipp with
oranges lemmons and corke, and send her therewith to the downes
and order the Skipper there to expect orders, whither hee should thence