HCA 13/71 f.193r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.193r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


rest of the sayd shipps company at his owne charge with meate drinke and
wages this hee the better knoweth receiving wages him selfe of the sayd
Nathaniell for the sayd time and alsoe paying wages in behalfe of the sayd Nathaniell
to all the rest of the sayd shipps Company for the sayd time And further
to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 4th hee saith that in case the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe had within
tenn dayes after the Arrivall of the Aprill Shower at dartmouth as
aforesayd there dispatched her as they ought to have done, shee might have
gone thence to Allegant arlate and there have discharged her outward
ladeing and there stayed five dayes in lading the same And thence have
gone to denia or Ravia and have stayed there five days more in taking
in her homewards ladeing (if shee could have safely come to these goods)
and in case shee could not have bin admitted to trade there shee might have
gone with her outward ladeing to Civitavecchia and and the Islands of
Lippory and there discharged the same and taken in her homeward ladeing and
the winde and weather proveing fayre and seasonable shee might have arrived
safe therewith at Dartmouth or London the ports of ther discharge in the
sayd [?space] of three moneths which shee was soe delayed and hindered
as aforesayd at dartmouth by the said Bowtill and Jago. And hee saith
that in the space of three moneths hee well knoweth (the weather and winde
being fayre and good) a shipp may easily performe a voyage from
dartmouth to Allecant, Civitavecchia, or Lippory, and soe back
to dartmouth or London. And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 5th hee saith that the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe having by pretences
of ladeing the sayd shipp Aprill Shower kept her and her Company at
dartmouth in expectation thereof about three moneths as aforesayd, the
sayd Jagoe the in the moneth of November 1655 told this deponent and
his contest Thomas Marriott that they the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe would
not lade any goods on board the sayd shipp nor imploye her according
to Charterparty, or words to that effect, by which meanes the sayd Nathaniell
Marriott after hee had bin at the expence and charge aforesayd was
forced to give over the sayd imployment or voyage. And further hee
cannot depose/

To the 6th hee saith hee well knoweth being Master of her that in case
the sayd shipp Aprill Shower had gone the voyage arlate shee was well
able to have carried both outwards and homewards bound the burthen or quantitie
of fower and twenty tonnes. And further referring him selfe to the Charterparty
(which hee beleeveth to be true) hee cannot depose./

To the 7th hee saith in his this deponents judgment the cost that the sayd
Nathaniell Marriott was at in fitting and preparing his sayd shipp the
Aprill Shower with victualls and other necessaries and mens wages during
the tyme shee was delayed at dartmouth by order of the sayd Bowtill
and Jagoe in expectation of receiving their goods on board and being imployed
by them, was at the least as much, if not more, then it would have cost
him therein in case shee had proceeded on the voyage arlate according to
Charterparty. And further to this article hee cannot depose./