HCA 13/71 f.175v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.175v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


aboard the sayde shipp and did in this deponents presence demand tenn pipes of wine which as hee sayd were
sent by the Interrogant Burridge and intended to have bin laden a board his the
sayd Paxtons shipp but were as hee sayd by mistake brought aboard the
John and Mary whereto the sayd Webber answered that the same were [?stowed GUTTER]
and could not conveniently bee delivered with which answere the sayd
Paxton seemed satisfied and sayd if they could not bee come by hee must goe without them and went away without the sayd wines And
further he cannot answer./

To the 6th hee saith hee very well knoweth the Interrogate Robert Br[XXX GUTTER]
and saith hee was the Interrogate Travers factor at Teneriff {one} of the Canary
Islands and saith he beleeveth the noate annexed to the Interrogatories
to be all of the hand writing of the sayd Bevin And further to this Interrogatory hee
cannot answere./

To the 7th hee cannot answere

To the 8th hee saith he knoweth not positively to whome the wines Interrogated
doe belong and therefore knoweth not what to beleeve in that case./

To the 9th saving his foregoing deposition hee cannot answere./

To the 10th it concerneth him not to answere thereto having not deposed to
the article Interrogate./

To the 11th saving his foregoeing deposition
wherein he hath declared that by Common report all English shipps which
took in ladeing at Teneriff the voyage in question did pay indulto money
hee cannot more fully answer but beleeveth the Interrogate Burridge
as freighter of Paxtons shipp did pay indulto money for her./

Repeated in court before before doctor Godolphin
and Colonel Cock./



This 30th of Aprill 1656 [CENTRE HEADING]

A business of examination of witnesses for}
the perpetuall remembrance of the matter about}
the taking the shipp the Union of Leith of}
which John Tannent was master: Suckley}

Examined upon certayne Interrogatories/

Rp. .j.us

David Benning of Pete[?weime] in Scotland
Mariner aged fiftie one yeares or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne and examined in the high court of the Admiraltie saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./

To the first Interrogatorrie hee saith hee did well knowe the vessell
called the Union of Leith of which hee saith was Commander or Master
the Interrogate John Tennant And saith hee well remembereth that
in the beginning of the month of March 1655 there laye in the the River
of fforth neere Boriston in Scotland a shipp of Warr belonging to
Rotterdam in holland (the shipps name hee remembereth not but saith the
Interrogate Kercoffe was Captaine or Commander of her) and saith
the sayd shipp of warr did carrie eight gunnes and had betwixt forty and
fiftie men then on board her and also saith that hee this deponent
being at Leith in Scotland did there see the sayd Kercoff with
his owne hand deliver unto one Mr Robert Cammell a Master of a
shipp named the Advanse of Leith and bound for Rotterdam in Company
of the Union aforesayd a letter written as the sayd Kerkoff affirmed
with his own hand, which letter this deponent sawe and reade and knoweth